Friday, July 26, 2019

Mobile "Invasion"?

The world of Pokémon has really taken to mobile gaming in the past few years. Even this year, a few more mobile Pokémon games have been announced and/or released, including from what seemed to indicate a new "wave". And recently, yet another mobile game has been announced to be in the works. It seems like this would constitute not just a "wave", but a full-fledged "invasion" of sorts. It makes the field that much more crowded.

While the details of this new game appear to be scant, the external developer seems to be quite well-known. One of its other games is rather popular, and it's related to another major mobile game developer. The fact that Pokémon is being partnered up with a major external developer means that things are not being fooled around. It's going to happen, and it's going to happen well. The only thing to hope for is that it might bring a slightly different concept than the existing mobile Pokémon games. That would make for a multi-faceted "invasion".

On a sour note, it seems that a prior mode of "invasion" is letting up. Pokémon Duel, one of the games I mentioned in my initial mobile games post, is about to discontinue its services. What I've been told is that the game's model of making things work as a pay-to-win game didn't work out, even as it was changed to a subscription model. It's a bit of a shame, but things are what they are. It may just pave the way for other mobile Pokémon games to be successful and even more so.

On a different note, the "original" mobile Pokémon game, Pokémon Go, seems to be trying an "invasion" of its own kind. By adding an extra element to some PokéStops, as well as involving a thrilling battle and implementing an old concept anew, it has opened the way for some "dark forces" to make way into the game. I'll cover this in a separate post - especially after I've had some time to work with it with my own hands - but it's worth including it here in this post as a bit of a teaser due to its "invasion" theme.

Pokémon is an already well-established game franchise in one particular respect, but in respect to mobile games, the establishment can always be increased. That is likely why there's been a slew of planned mobile games, in addition to the ones that exist and have clearly "invaded". The roots of Pokémon don't suggest movements that "invade", but supposedly it may just work for the different realm of mobile games.

One year ago: Two New Pokémon Center Merchandise Lines
Two years ago: Supporting Doujin and Indie Stuff

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