Friday, May 26, 2017

What's Appenin' (Mobile Games)

Thanks to the runaway yet momentary success of Pokémon Go, Pokémon has also fully embraced mobile gaming in some ways. And just recently, another mobile game app with Pokémon has been released. There are now a total of four official mobile game apps with Pokémon, all of which are attractive, though with the situation and load on my phone, I'm not in the position to download them; should I get a new phone, I will definitely download the game apps to play them. Here are my takes on the three current other mobile games aside from Go:

Shuffle Mobile. As I've mentioned in my earlier post about Shuffle, Shuffle Mobile is the exact game as its 3DS brethren, except it started later than the 3DS edition. That means the mobile edition is great for those who want to free up space on the 3DS and/or delegate it for other games. Since I started playing on the 3DS, I'm not interested in migrating to Mobile, more so since progress is not transferable and I really do not wish to take care of two progresses of the same game. If I do download this game, it will be to tinker with and opine here about it. Otherwise for me its role is limited.

Duel. I'm told by my friends that this game is like a board game with abstract strategy. Back when this game was released, a bunch of my online Pokémon friends really got into it and talked about it quite fervently as they played. Looking at the game, it looks like a typical mobile game with all the frills and challenges. I am interested in downloading and playing this, although I'm also concerned that I may become addicted to it as with Shuffle. I'll reserve judgment after I play.

Magikarp Jump. This is the one that has just been released, and it's quite an odd one because it features what most fans recognize as the most pathetic Pokémon there is. But within the realm of this game Magikarp appears to be venerated for jumping and looking different. The cartoon graphics just add to the differentiation of the experience. As with Duel, I will give it a try and hope not to get addicted.

Pokémon mobile games seem to run the gamut from the iconic (Go) to the innovative (Magikarp Jump). They're nothing like the main series of games on the Nintendo handhelds, but at least they take Pokémon into new directions of gaming in which longtime fans can take interest and non-hardcore gamers can enjoy. I for one welcome this and other new takes to come on Pokémon mobile gaming.

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