Wednesday, July 3, 2019

I Splurged, for Once

Two years ago, I made a post on how I wanted to splurge but I couldn't, owing to several considerations. Recently, though, despite considerations that I shouldn't splurge, I took the plunge, and I splurged. The splurge is of course for some Pokémon-related things, for if they weren't, then this post wouldn't be on this blog in the first place. It is therefore one of my many experiences with many things Pokémon, and specifically as one of the Four Notions.

Those who read this blog will know that I experienced a calamity a while back. As a result of that calamity, I necessarily had to spend quite a bit. That's definitely a consideration that I shouldn't be splurging. On the other hand, I did feel some sadness out of that and other things, so I wanted to get back to feeling great, especially with Pokémon in tow. Finally, I had a one-day agenda that allowed for this and that is likely to be unable to be repeated within the span of the next two months or even a few thereafter, so it effectively became my one-and-only chance to do so. After having done so, I've felt relief, though it is admittedly a bit of an "uneasy relief" since it is for Pokémon, and yet I've become wary of what might lie ahead.

If that previous post previewed things I wanted to splurge on but couldn't, this time I'd like to give a preview of what I splurged on. For this splurge, I spent money on something that can provide a great story to follow along - one that I've followed a few times before, no less. I also spent for something that I could browse through, make a reference of, and/or maybe even critique; this one was unexpected in some ways, but it was a great thing too. Then there is also something controversial on one hand yet excellent on the other, along with a special bonus that come alongside it. All of these things will certainly be covered on this blog in a few posts and in due time, but those certainly will have to wait.

Splurging is not something I often do, for as the other post indicates, there may be circumstances where splurging may be OK, though not all the time. For the most recent Pokémon splurge that I committed, I've warranted myself to do it, even if the circumstances might seem dire. At the least, I would have something that I can post on this blog very, very soon. The splurge that I have committed may be out of line in some respects, but it may also well be considered in line with other things.

One year ago: Pokémon Yellow Pikachu Shirt
Two years ago: Spicy Tamato

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