Friday, July 12, 2019

Brandon Tan in My Town!!!

Well, this is a bit of an old news, but it's one that needs to be discussed for completion and closure. During the big national tournament from last month, I (and all the other competitors, participants, and so on) had the privilege to meet Brandon Tan of Singapore, as the world's top Pokémon Go player. He totally took advantage of his visit, not only for that tournament, but also to visit some other locales in the country with well-known Pokémon Go enthusiasts. My town happened to be one of those, and it became part of his itinerary. His visit took place over the weekend of last week.

His visit included raids, but I didn't participate in this one.

The intent of his visit was to see the local players and get in on the action. He came on Friday evening, though I was a bit occupied at the time and didn't receive information on his actual coming, so I couldn't schedule a second meeting then. He did, however, make his mark on a Gym that I frequently raid and is fairly close to where I live. The next day, he visited a different community in a slightly distant neighboring little town but still relatively close to mine, on the same day as a certain concert. At that point, there wasn't much I could do, even if the concert hadn't happened. That was still a good thing.

Making his mark in a Gym close to home.

On his third day, he attended and participated in a tournament on the same morning as a certain theme event that I chose over that tournament. Actually, the time I returned that morning to participate in the theme event allowed me to drop by the tournament location and to greet everyone, including him; the tournament seems to be also conceived in honor of his visit. The rest of the day played out as I described things in the post above. His final day in town the next day allowed him one more raid in the morning, but it was somewhat far removed from me, so I couldn't attend. After that, he left my town to go to the next one on his itinerary.

Brandon is to the left of me and my friend, above us.

After four days, his visit left an impression on many members of my raid group, just as my previous encounter with him left an impression on me. It's safe to say that we all appreciate his company however long and wherever he visits. It may even be possible that he might make a return visit at some later time in the future, given our impressions and reception. That will surely be something to be welcomed. Until then, there are many good things to be remembered from the soiree that Brandon Tan made to the country in general and to my town in particular.

One year ago: Exploring Dual Types
Two years ago: "Don't Fear Failure!"

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