Wednesday, July 12, 2017

"Don't Fear Failure!"

In revisiting the games of the NDS, one game comes to mind for one of its particular memories. That game would be the original Pokémon Ranger with the original capture mechanic before its revision in subsequent games. That is certainly an interesting memory, but not the one I wish to discuss at the moment. The one I wish to discuss is related to the very first mission of the game, which carries the title that I've used as the title for this post.

In the mission, players are given a chance to further develop their Styler skills by capturing several Pokémon, practice simple Pokémon Assists, and learn the mechanic of Target Clear, all of which are fundamental to the course of the game. The "failure no-fear" part can be said to be because this is the first actual mission of the game where you are thrust into the primary action, or because you actually do have to stray a few times before you complete the mission.

On a deeper sense, the title of the mission alludes to how no people are free from mistakes or errors or the like. So this first mission allows some of that while diving into the mechanics of the game. It also alludes to "picking up the pieces" after mistakes occur, which is indeed part of the prologue for the mission. In any case, these are good things to keep in mind in the world. I've recently just committed a mess-up of my own, and now I'm dealing with the effects after it has happened.

And keeping this in mind, now I'm going to have to dive back into the original Ranger game as part of my NDS revisit. It would not only be to take care of things in the game, but it would also serve as a real testament to this statement... which just happens to be checked by my current experiences. 😐

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