Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Going Back to the NDS

I've already explained the NDS Lite that became my workhorse for all kinds of Pokémon games, both in and out of the main series. Now that I've got some downtime, I want to do exactly as I mentioned at the end of the post, and that is to revisit a few of those games. In any case, revisiting is not a bad thing to do, as even my fellow Pokémon friend also did it, even while I was absorbed with my 3DS. So now I would be doing almost the same thing.

I've actually got some unfinished business to deal with on my NDS games. There are a few post-game issues that I still want to resolve on the main series games; I've toiled about the issues in my mind but they have remained a back-burner priority since I've left them. Likewise, there are a few things I still want to experience on the other games outside the main series, and they would make for fascinating ones. I see that now would be a great time to put away some of these issues and try for those experiences.

It would feel a little weird to go back to something that was conceived when there were not so many Pokémon and the Fairy type wasn't present, but that is exactly the experience presented with those games. It can be said that the NDS games are the pinnacle of the experience between the addition of the Dark and Steel types in the second generation followed by changes in the third, and the sweeping changes plus Fairy type in the sixth generation; the number of games released at this point only serves as a testament to this.

So, I'm going back to the NDS for a bit. I'm going back for the things I want to do, and I'm going back for the nostalgia. Both of them are equally fascinating and totally acceptable to do as I revisit the games of this era. At least it will bring peace and appreciation to my mind when I go back to the 3DS games afterwards.

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