Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Cosplay: Japanese World 2017

So two days ago I went to a Japanese event called Japanese World for the purpose of cosplay. As you might be able to tell, this is an annual event, which I'm told got its start in the late 2000s or early 2010s. I've been here properly only once, two years ago; four years ago I came, but something happened which only allowed me to experience the event for a mere five minutes, so I don't even count that. Between all those years there were a myriad of excuses for why I didn't go, not the least of which was last year, which as I mentioned for this year's Pokémon Day post, was to go elsewhere to be with other Pokémon fans.

Attendance aside, this is one of a handful of events where I've only cosplayed Pokémon characters; two years ago it was Ash in his XY/Kalos outfit, and this year I went slightly retro with Ash's BW/Unova outfit. Also, if you've been reading my blog, then you'll know that my cosplay anniversary was also two days ago. That's right - I cosplayed on my cosplay anniversary, which was special indeed. And to do it while I'm in my element - Pokémon cosplay - it's just spectacular.

As for the event itself, not much is different from when I was here two years ago. All the merchandise stands were along a narrow alley and the food stands were in a parking lot, sharing a space next to the stage, which made for a crowded event. There were only a couple of indoor attractions, so the best things happened outside. But I was OK with that; I was here for cosplay and I sealed the deal. There were also quite a few people that recognized who I cosplayed and more photo requests than usual. Above all, I also got to accompany a friend, also cosplaying, all throughout the day; although he came a little later than me, we effectively wandered together for most of the day, up until the point we had to part to go back to our separate homes. It was just such a great day.

This event takes place somewhat far from home, which explains why I came back home tired two days ago. Also, given my attendance pattern, there might be something that keeps me from this event next year, unless I anticipate it as early as possible. It has been my wish that I make this an annual event ever since that proper attendance two years ago as this event can be exciting, and that was true this year. Time will tell next year if I can come again.

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