Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wallpaper: Pokésoft Mix

In the previous post on this blog, I mentioned the particular slogan of a particular company and how it relates to me and Pokémon. However, I never mentioned the slogan directly, though the post alludes to it rather clearly. The slogan is "Where do you want to go today?", and those who are fluent in technology will recognize this slogan as belonging to Microsoft, a major company then and still now. While its links to Pokémon are minimal, I've conceived a unique way of relating both by way of a desktop wallpaper.

This wallpaper could be construed as both a tribute and parody - like a certain other wallpaper - though it mostly could be considered more the latter than the former. The parody aspect, of course, is because this wallpaper replicates the current Microsoft logo or wordmark (from 2012 onwards), down to the four color blocks, but with a Pokémon twist. Those four color blocks are composed of the colors red, green, blue, and yellow... which are often associated with the Pokémon types of Fire, Grass, Water, and Electric respectively - the three starters plus Pikachu. To that end, I've made the connection evident by including pictures of the associated Pokémon, in this case being the third-generation starters plus Pikachu, in the same arrangement as the logo or wordmark. To keep its relevance, I've also included the true Pokémon logo and some relevant attributions below.

The tribute aspect still remains relevant. Again, while Microsoft has relatively little to do with Pokémon itself, it remains something that supports many of my technological activities, including some related to Pokémon. Many of my blog posts are written on a browser that runs on its flagship Windows OS on my PC. Most of my word processing tasks, including for some Pokémon things, are done on its Word application, both on my PC and on my phone. I peruse some of its web services, including OneDrive to host my Pokémon Go photo galleries. And then there are just many other things that its products and services help me to do, including for Pokémon, even indirectly. One way or another, the relevance is still there.

As I've noted in the other post, Microsoft no longer uses the aforementioned slogan; it died out around the time Pokémon was still in its infancy. But in all that time, the slogan still has some relevance (personally), even with Pokémon. And to this day, its products and services still support my endeavors for Pokémon or otherwise. It feels kind of appropriate to honor that and rib that simultaneously, especially with what I can do and involving what I like.

One year ago: The First Sinnoh Saga Japanese Opening Theme
Two years ago: Pokémon and Trains

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