Saturday, September 21, 2019

Remember, Remember

Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changin' the minds of pretenders
While chasin' the clouds away
Our hearts were ringin' in the key that our souls were singin'
As we danced in the night, remember
How the stars stole the night away, oh yeah...
-- "September", Earth, Wind & Fire

Some songs have a certain theme to them. The theme of this song would be one of reminiscence, which is even evident in the first verse as I've quoted above. For me, as with many other things and as hard-wired I am to Pokémon, quite a bit of that reminiscence deals with Pokémon things. Today I had the chance to revisit a couple of places that are as connected to Pokémon as much as they are connected to me personally. Both of these places are also places where my Pokémon cosplay has been frequently witnessed over the years.

One of these places could be considered neat, although labyrinthine and slightly cramped. Most recently, I've been there with two good friends of mine, one of whom cosplayed a good friend of a Pokémon character I cosplay, and the other being a fan of us. It has been the host of many theme events or conventions, both large and small scale. My figure group likes this place a lot as well, being that they can schedule meetups in this place, including movie meetups, as this is where they are often shown, if at all. Yet, being that I've been here quite often with my cosplay, I remain fond and reminiscent of this place.

The other is a grander place that is so grand that it becomes the place where my figure friends go to not only meet up at times, but also to fulfill their figure needs. It too has been the place of several theme events, though they tend to be smaller. But one of those theme events is a significant one, as it was where I met my fan and connected for the first time. Today, I wasn't with the company of my figure friends, as they have their own thing, but I could still converse with them for what they may want. It may or may not be soon before we have the opportunity to get together and shop together. The place remains something to be reminisced from time to time.

The spirit of reminiscence is as with the song, being about the pleasant things or the things that really are meaningful. And as it so happens, today is the date that is mentioned at the beginning of the song, the 21st of September. A friend who also likes the same song tells me that is significant, because it means that the song is fully realized. It becomes special to do a bit of reminiscing according to the date mentioned in the lyrics of a song that's about the topic.

It's true that the song itself suggests love to some extent, in particular romantic love, but the general theme of reminiscence is somewhat strong, specifically for the best times of one's life. Some of my best times were found in the two places with Pokémon and my Pokémon cosplay. And I'd say that's a good love for me, one that deserves to be reminisced from time to time, especially as dictated by a song about it.

One year ago: Community Raid Days?
Two years ago: Pokémon and Party Games

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