Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Name of the Game

What's the name of the game
Thinking about our story
What's the name of the game
Honey don't you worry
You're the code to my heart
Be my own redeemer
What a combination, baby
I want to be
What's the name of the game
-- "What's the Name of the Game", Ace of Base

It's hard not to discuss about "game" when discussing about Pokémon. It started out life as a game before branching out to so many things. That seems to be rather evocative of a certain song, which happens to be the song I've quoted above. It might seem like an odd song at first glance, but it's one that has deeper meanings inside, at least for me.

This song is really about love, but to some extent, it may be considered relatable to Pokémon as well. The chorus, which is quoted above, discusses links to someone, or possibly something else. It's evident where this is going: Pokémon, if nothing else, is the "code to my heart" and a "redeemer". Strangely enough, it might be considered true for at least one more person - one whom I know somewhat well, in fact. Based on what we discuss, it seems that this rings true for the both of us. It is likely that my friend would agree.

Another part of this chorus is the "combination" part. A fact of the world of Pokémon is that the creatures are often paired with the people in it. It can become a significant bond; in particular, this has recently been explored in a different kind of Pokémon game. That game would be Pokémon Masters, which does indeed show how these relationships can play out, which might happen to be quite strong. It might be something that others desire to be, and so that part of the lyrics stands.

Elsewhere in the lyrics, there are two pairs of lines that are repeated: "a love like blood in me/a love like blood that never dies", although the last repetition adapts the first of these to the preceding lines. The lines are important because they describe an attraction that is unending, at least likened to blood that courses through one's veins. I find this a powerful descriptor for the above relationships, including the personal links. The expectation is that it remains as such.

This song isn't too significant music-wise - it's one of the compositions on the group's attempt to return to their original sound - but its lyrics seem to be, given what happens with and around Pokémon and me. It also happens that there would be something else significant tomorrow with me and Pokémon, but that will have to wait. For now, the significance of this song lies with the name of a game that has become much, much more than it is - and how I and others regard it.

One year ago: The First English Anime Opening Theme
Two years ago: Strong Opinions

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