Thursday, September 5, 2019

Return, Return, Return, Return...

I wanted to discuss a different topic for today's post, but then I saw that there was a significant event as evidenced in the posts from prior years (see below), specifically one that happened two years ago and covered again the next year. That would, of course, be my return to playing Pokémon Go, and the results of that return one year later. Two years later, it seems worthwhile to discuss this event and topic once again.

Lots of changes have taken place within the game since that point; I'm not going into detail about that, since the substance of most of the changes have been discussed elsewhere on this blog. What's important is that those changes are indeed quite substantial, so much so that the game is almost a different game today. This does prompt the question of whether returning to the game - for those who have played and left - is plausible and worth it. The answer is on the whole a resounding "yes".

Just today, I also read an article on the web site of a well-known news magazine that more or less brings up the same matter, with pretty much the same answer. The point of the article brings up how exciting the game has gotten ever since the changes that had been made had appeared in the game, and it has given rise to different social phenomena, including through events like Community Day. I personally couldn't agree more, as I've bore witness to pretty much the same thing, including a really important one that happened three months ago. It's a spectacle I rarely see even with Pokémon in general.

Even so, personally, it's kind of hard to bring up this topic, particularly considering what it involved in previous years. The photos that are in the posts from previous years below are of the phone I used to return to playing Pokémon Go, which sadly can be said to no longer exist due to a certain calamity. Further, the location depicted in the overworld map in those photos is actually of my previous house, from which I've somewhat reluctantly moved; it too is practically non-existent at this point. I've since moved on with a new phone and a new house, but thanks to those photos, the previous memories are preserved.

Yet, I can say that having returned to Pokémon Go is pretty much a blessing, regardless of what it involved. I can perhaps speak for myself and the writer of that article. It's also why I've titled this post the way it is, being a line from an obscure chant. It may or may not make people return to the game, but if they consider what they're in for when they return, they might just actually do it, and join the fortunate and happy players who have done exactly that.

One year ago: A Happy Return
Two years ago: Here I Go (Again)

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