Thursday, September 12, 2019

And Intelligence

Someone said that love and intelligence go together. Each of the two improves the rough edges, so to speak, of the other. What I love is Pokémon, and I've demonstrated my intelligence through other means. The two are united to some extent in the posts on this blog. In that way, they seem to go together. And yet, that seems to be one of those ways. Pokémon and intelligence may be considered to go together in other ways.

A long time ago, in a discussion with some of my Pokémon fellows, we talked about the nature of the complexity of the main series. One of them stated that the complexity is almost like a game of chess, with many moves to be considered and many still to be made. I can see how that is so. The core battles of the main series games involve making moves based on turns, but a lot of factors actually govern those turns, and the dynamics may change at the drop of a hat. It's no wonder that the games attract many intelligent people from various backgrounds, though that doesn't always guarantee great success - as in my case, for example.

For other Pokémon things, intelligence is surely demanded to various degrees. The TCG has workings that rival the main series, though they are substantially different. One needs to consider just as many things in order to succeed in battle. Other Pokémon things may considerably involve more than intelligence, for example speed, but there's no doubt that at least some intelligence is involved to influence further success. The player still needs to control at least a few things, and that can only happen with intelligence.

All the posts that I've made evidently show indications of intelligence. It takes quite a bit to scrutinize many things, let alone Pokémon things, day in and day out. To make them coherent is an even bigger thing, for I've seen and read many even non-Pokémon writings that don't seem to make sense. I believe that I've done my best in this regard, to present as many Pokémon things as possible in writings and to make them at least sensible.

As for that love-and-intelligence thing, I'm sure it makes sense. I would be nowhere if I couldn't think about Pokémon wisely nor show appreciation and care for all its facets. Intelligence, however, does manifest itself as an important element for what I do, whether it's here on this blog or outside, and whether it involves Pokémon or not. It is apparently the case for Pokémon in general as well with many people. To be able to think wisely is something I'm grateful for, especially if it can involve something I truly love such as Pokémon; I'm sure people like me can say the same.

One year ago: Proud to Be a Clean Cosplayer
Two years ago: Poké-Mobile Devices

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