Monday, September 30, 2019

Standing Pikachu Keychain

Many people know me as a big Pokémon fan from my endeavors, whether Pokémon Go, cosplay, or anything that might even involve Pokémon to however extent. As a result, some have graciously given me different forms of Pokémon merchandise, like a particular Pokémon watch from some time ago. The other day, I received from a friend another piece of Pokémon merchandise, one that is as significantly familiar as it is significantly small.

This is another Pikachu keychain, which I'm no stranger to, as I have several keychains of different kinds. This one depicts Pikachu in standing form with its arms away from its body. It's somewhat reminiscent of the Pikachu keychain I detailed early on in this blog, only without packaging as given by my friend, as well as a Pichu keychain that I detailed a year later, only more excellently designed and sturdier. In fact, it's so excellently designed that it can stand on its own, which is why I chose to dub it as such. It almost looks like a mini-figure with a keychain ring attached to it, which is somewhat neat. It's also more vivid in appearance compared to the earlier Pikachu keychain, which is another plus.

As for minuses, there are very few, and they're mostly related to visual aspects. There is actually a little stubble in front on the right side of its body, but this is not too visible and is only felt by touching. On the left side of its body, there is a small dab of black paint that I sense was not meant to be there, though I say it can be safely ignored. On its backside, which is not visible in the above photo, the stripes on its back are not colored, though its outlines remain. Due to these minuses, I'm inclined to think that this keychain is a "reject" product of some kind, though if it is, it's still a good one at that, cleverly reworked into a keychain.

I'm still fond of this Pikachu keychain no matter what. It's unique and it's Pokémon, which is what I like... and something that people like me for. That being the case, it remains something significant even with its small size. The fact that it's a gift makes it even more significant for someone who appreciates Pokémon a whole lot and will continue to do so for its various aspects, as with this piece of merchandise.

One year ago: The Merits of Sleep
Two years ago: Elite Four: "Courses" vs. "Selections"

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