Monday, September 16, 2019

Pokémon Cable Bite Accessory - Pikachu

Friends are sometimes helpful in relation to Pokémon merchandise. They may help to procure access to certain pieces of merchandise, or they may help to evaluate those pieces of merchandise. I've got friends that can do either or both, and two of them contributed to the piece of merchandise I'm about to discuss in this post. It happens to be quite a neat piece, and believe me, their contributions are valuable.

The piece of merchandise that I'm discussing is, as the title of this post indicates, is the Pokémon Cable Bite Accessory that features Pikachu. It's a "plug protector" for specific kinds of charger cables, this one specifically being for the iPhone Lightning cable. One would insert the cable by a gap in the body and pull it to align the pins with the mouth, and Pikachu would then act as a bigger and cuter plug. There are a few reasons why I haven't taken it out of the package, and one of them is that... I don't have an iPhone, and I've sworn off Apple products ever since I found they don't work with or for me. It's a cute plug nonetheless, especially for those who can put it to better use if they have the product in question.

Now, as for the relationship of my friends to this merchandise, one of them brought me access to this merchandise (read: gave it to me as a gift). That friend just happens to be one who is intricately linked to the term "Pokétaku", whom I've met one fine day and then again in the local TCG scene. He had just returned from a trip to Japan - somewhere I still desire to go - and he bought two of these accessories, one of them being the Pikachu one now in my possession and the other being an Eevee one for himself, given to me on that day. It's apparent that the merchandise is intended to evoke a symbolic link for both of us based on the starters of the LGP/E games on the Switch. I, of course, very much appreciate this, seeing as how we're big fans of Pokémon, and therefore the term above applies.

The other one of my friends certainly was the one who evaluated or appraised the merchandise. When I showed it to my friend, he was excited, for he knew I was in possession of a really good Pokémon merchandise... and a rare one at that, according to his appraisal. This is another reason why the accessory has remained inside the package. A third reason, and as a consequence of this reason, is that a few things in my life are still in disarray even after my move, and the last thing I want to do is to put this one in the mix. The rare quality means a lot, obviously.

This piece of Pokémon merchandise is imbued with lots of utility and sentimental qualities. The utility part is clear, as something that beautifies and protects other life items, specifically cables. The sentimental part has to do with the friends that are involved with the merchandise, whether as purveyor or evaluator. Any which way, I'm glad and thankful to connect with them as well as with Pokémon, as well as to have this merchandise on my side. They're all valuable indeed.

One year ago: An End to Jumps
Two years ago: Pokémon Suits in Cosplay?

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