Friday, September 27, 2019

1000 Posts!!!

So, the something significant that I mentioned in yesterday's post is that with this post, I've officially achieved 1000 posts on this blog, one for each day of the year. It's an achievement that demands quite a bit of diligence as well as know-how and observation, in particular regarding Pokémon as the overarching subject of this blog and what I'm greatly attracted to. In this post, I'd like to think about what I've discussed in many of the previous posts on this blog and what might be in line in the future; to that end, I'd like to take three parts from a recently-created conceptual vision that also involves the number 1000 and explain them using those parts.

One of the parts of the vision is dreams. Quite a few of the posts on this blog pertain to desires, which are personal "dreams", in a way. An example of that is a feature wishlist for Pokémon Go that I made a year ago, which still has not been fulfilled to this day. A different example would be my visions and interests to undertake itasha, if and when it becomes viable. As for actual dreams that one sees while sleeping, those are present too, one of them being about two months ago, about Pokémon Go. Dreams are certainly the starting point of many visions, and I've got them too, including many more that have yet to be explained.

A second part of the vision is creations. "Creations" constitute their own category on this blog, so the posts there are rather evident. What is not so evident is that those posts (19 in all at present) represent only a small shred of what might be possible with Pokémon; as with those dreams, I have many that have yet to be divulged. Furthermore, there are even bigger creations that may just be possible, and perhaps be considered my "contribution" to the world of Pokémon. All that remains is for me to pursue avenues of their creation and possibly distribution, and I'll be glad to put efforts into them.

The third part is actually a "double" part, composed of solutions and innovations. They're a bit similar in vein, so it's worthwhile to discuss them together. Many of the posts in the "Game" category discuss parts of the games in detail, but with them, I'm indirectly providing ways to deal with certain things - therefore, solutions and innovations. Actually, so do certain other posts in certain categories to lesser extents. And for Pokémon solutions and innovations by others, I can review them as well, possibly resulting in more of these as well as the above. It is neatly circular in that regard.

Pokémon is many things for many people, including myself. Over the 1000 posts of this blog, I've already detailed the paths that I have taken with Pokémon as well as the paths Pokémon have taken, certainly as with the above things. Undoubtedly, this effort will continue as the world of Pokémon continues to expand, and so do my paths with it and its own paths. As they say, there are many roads that lead to one destination, and my destination is Pokémon; I hope the paths I've detailed now and to come will lead there, in an even better state than before for both of us.

Here's to the next pathways, however many there are.

One year ago: Meet Meltan
Two years ago: Pokémon Stuff at a Neighborhood Store

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