Wednesday, September 11, 2019

This Is It

Over a year ago, I stated that in a certain cosplay teaser that I conceive a little something called "yearly themes" that encapsulate happenings in a year, whether they have occurred or have yet to occur. This year, the theme is (set to be) as in the title of this post, "This Is It". Aside from partially referencing the series of what-could-have-been final set of concerts by the "King of Pop", this year has been or looks to be a conclusion of several things. And for those who know me and this blog, Pokémon would certainly be included, much as I wish it wasn't... and yet, it is.

One of those things regards the progression of VGC. The World Championships this year have concluded, and now it's preparing for a transition. For the rest of this year, VGC continues on the 3DS with the Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon games, but starting in January, the competitive scene will shift to the Sword and Shield games on the Nintendo Switch. Of course, those games have yet to be released - they're only due in two months or so - so at least that may give time to iron out the faults that occur before the shift. What's clear is that the transition will occur regardless, and the 3DS era is ending. It's a finalization.

On a more personal front, because of the move I've made, I've had to part with a group of Gyms in Pokémon Go that I've referred to as the "golden triangle", because there are three of them and they were the first Gyms that I were able to turn gold in their progression (which I should explain about). Sure, at times I may still interact with them if I happen to be in the area, but for the most part, I've essentially parted with them as this does not frequently occur. Meanwhile, in another area and one that is frequently worked on by some members of my raid group, a certain Gym has disappeared, despite its popularity and accessibility (or perhaps not for the very last one). Whatever happens, this is an ending.

And just recently, groups of people have experienced the end of some significant things in one form or another. It seems that the ends of many things seem to be due out this year, regardless of other progressions. Like it or not, Pokémon seems to be part of this as well in some respects, whether wide-ranging or personal in effect - though this blog is not one of those, and I don't expect it to be so for an indefinite time. And like the series of concerts that never had been and could be, this year just seems to be the end mark for those certain things; for this year, "this is it".

One year ago: Cosplay: Club Cosplay Party
Two years ago: Pokkén BanaPassports

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