Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Raid Split?

With what I do with Pokémon, I tend to (and have to) pay attention to how different things go. One of those things concern the happenings of my raid group and the people in it. It seems that my raid group is not as it once was, not just through people coming and going, but also what appears to be a "split" in how things proceed. It becomes a bit disconcerting, even with the consideration that this year becomes its second anniversary.

It has become apparent that a select number of members, particularly those who often meet in a particular place to set up Lure Modules and play, have created their own "clique", even becoming symbolically united under one team. The raids that occur with them, if any, often seem to go unreported in the group, potentially voiding others of the opportunity. Furthermore, during today's Raid Hour (it is a Wednesday, after all), it became evident that they seem to enjoy working independently, perhaps a bit too independently. That could be considered a split.

Meanwhile, a few other sub-groups have formed, and I've become a part of one of them. My sub-group still occasionally report back to the main group, especially when assistance is needed; it also seems that this group cannot be fully independent just yet. Another subgroup isn't completely unified and still occasionally details activities within the main group itself. Yet another is a different subgroup that seemed to have formed on its own outside of my raid group, but has loose links with my raid group. These may or may not indicate a split, but it might be indicating that a major-group approach might not continue to work with an increasing number of active players.

Still, the "people coming and going" portion does seem to play into the "split". The town of my locale is a college town, so many people are evidently students that stay for a few years before leaving - if they aren't already captivated to stay beyond their studies. As such, if they play Pokémon Go, they may be due to leave as soon as they're done; this has happened a few times over the course of this year. As well, some members that do remain in town have effectively lacked motivation to play intensely and have therefore "split"; this was the case for a really senior member of my group from my first interactions, as well as - sadly - the member who inducted me one late night. It's hard to deny of this "split".

It's also hard to expect that things will continue to stay the same for my raid group, but the apparent "splits" have made things appear quite different, even "split off" from the way they used to be. It's something that I seem to have noticed, though I don't know if the others do so too. It may be time for some way to get together and heal up some splits before more of them (and even bigger ones) occur.

One year ago: The First Japanese Anime Opening Theme
Two years ago: Enhancements in Shuffle

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