Sunday, September 1, 2019

Cosplay: Creators' Super Fest by AFA (Regional)

Ash: Wait, wait, wait, hold up, hold up. Isn't this the thing that you told me last year was no more? Then what's it doing here?

Me: Well, yes and no. It's not actually "the" convention itself, but I'm told it's like a marketplace for lots of custom goodies. This is the first time I've heard of it as well, and the good news is that it's in my (our) neck of the woods, so I've sent you!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Me too!"]

Me: Yeah, we can't forget about you too. So, uh...

Ash: Hey, can you help me out with the entry? I think it needs your help.

Me: Oh, hmm. I've never seen this way of selling tickets before. It might be a pain for those who don't have the stuff. OK, you should be in.

Ash: Thanks! You know what? It does look a lot like the one you sent me a few years ago, but it's in a smaller space, and it's just the marketplace, as you say. But it was really crowded, just as crowded like that time!

Me: I wonder if it's because it carries the "AFA" name. Based on reports, I'm also told a local organizer may have a hand in this, given that it's in the same exact place as a certain convention last year.

Ash: I think so. But it wasn't as crowded as you think it would be, right, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pi, pika pi. Pika pika! ["Yeah, Ash. It was so open!"]

Ash: Maybe it's just like you said - the ticket is kind of a limit. But those who got in could enjoy the entertainment.

Me: Such as?

Ash: There were a couple of DJs and a few famous character people. There were even a few games that you'd like. They weren't many, but they took some time.

Me: Well, I'm sure you're right. Even if I didn't send you, it would still be fun.

Ash: Oh, and I see a character parade? What's the deal with this one?

Me: Well, first of all, I'm really sorry. I tried to get you registered in the parade, but I couldn't. They have to pre-select the characters that can appear on stage, and you weren't one of them. I was hoping otherwise. Again, my apologies.

Ash: I saw a few of them, and I think their outfits are really complex, not like my Hoenn outfit that you sent me with. Were you hoping to send me in with this?

Me: Yeah, after all, it's the best-looking one I've got. For you at least.

Ash: I guess it's OK. Maybe they weren't in the mood for me.

Pikachu: Pika pi-ka. ["Or me."]

Me: There is always next time. By the way, I should say that this is actually the regional edition of the convention. There's actually a central edition coming up later this year, but I can't send you to that one because of time, money, and a whole host of other reasons.

Ash: OK, that's fine. Maybe you can send me some other time.

Me: So, final thoughts?

Ash: It doesn't replace the convention, but it's nice. And it was closer for you and me, so I think it was worth it.

Pikachu: Pika, pika pika! ["Yeah, it's like that!"]

Me: Hopefully one of these days the real AFA will return, but until then, this may be a suitable holdover.

One year ago: Between Bugs and Features
Two years ago: Takara Tomy Pokémon XY&Z Pikachu Halloween Mascot - Ver. D

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