Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pokémon Go Community Day, 9/15/2019

There are many things that may indicate a good Community Day in Pokémon Go. It may involve the "bones" or particular featured elements of the event during a specific time, or it may involve how certain people conducted the event in specific locations. As well, it may also involve how it turned out for specific players or Trainers. This is understandable; after all, there's a lot that goes into a Community Day, both on the game side and the execution side. This month, there's quite a bit to consider.

For this month, the "bones" or elements are fairly attractive. The featured Pokémon is Turtwig, the fourth-generation Grass-type starter, which makes it the first of its generation to be featured. Predictably, the exclusive move for its final evolution of Torterra is Frenzy Plant, as with previous Grass-type starters; the move window is also extended for two hours instead of just one. The side bonus, along with the unmentioned and always necessarily extended Lure Modules and increased appearances, is bonus Stardust for captured Pokémon, which is always, always nice. Some Turtwig could even be captured through raids, if one were willing to go through them, and some were even available from battling Team GO Rocket as Shadow Pokémon, being a notable first.

I took part in the event as I normally did, contributing to the efforts of my raid group holding it in a certain area. On this occasion, I was joined in by a couple of my raid fellows, who also happen to be good friends of mine even beyond the scope of Pokémon Go. We found that we could comfortably play even though the usual multitudes of Lure Modules were reduced in number, indicating that there may be reduced interest in this one. Even so, many were still interested in taking part just to continue participation, which is by all means a good thing. In a few places further away, Community Day is markedly more festive, but that has rarely been the case in my local place. This may become something to consider for later times.

The turnout for this one was a bit mixed. While I caught a fair number of Turtwig - though none from raids, since I ended up not being close to any - I only caught a grand total of two Shiny Turtwig. Interestingly, I was the first among my two friends to capture a Shiny Turtwig, but they ended up capturing more over time while my Shiny reserves "ran dry", so to speak. However, I did end up with a great number of Turtwig Candy, which I used to evolve five into Torterra: my pre-selected Buddy, another for a possible PvP purpose, a third with impeccable stats from a trade, the best Shiny that I had, and a Lucky one that I received late in the day. The cost for this is an enormous number of Candy, of course, but this may become an investment.

This one was subpar in terms of Shiny Pokémon for me personally, but the output was rather productive even if it seemed a bit wasteful. By all indicators, this one can be considered sufficiently OK, considering what went into it and what I got out of it. I suppose I and the others maximized what was given, whatever the turnout was. Any Community Day is bound to proceed in this fashion, and when that happens, it can indeed be called a good one.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Trading Stickers
Two years ago: Am I Writing-Challenged?

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