Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cosplay: Isekai

Me: Ever have one of those times where you just can't decide?

Ash: You know, sometimes I have a problem choosing which Pokémon I want to bring into battle, so yeah, I've been there.

Me: Well, this theme event and mini-convention is like that. I couldn't decide whether to send you or someone else, and if I sent you, I didn't know which outfit to send you with.

Ash: But then you decided on me, and with my special outfit again, the same as last week. You know what? I think that's fine.

Pikachu: Pika! [affirmative]

Ash: Pikachu doesn't seem to mind either.

Me: Another thing that I had trouble deciding was when I should send you. You see, this theme event is actually three days long, and the best day for us competitively would have been yesterday, and yet I ended up sending you today.

Ash: Why did that happen?

Me: I wanted you to help out a friend so that we can help ourselves. Besides, I'm not up for sending you two days in a row.

Ash: Yeah, I guess that's good for us. After last week, it would be nice to breathe for a bit.

Pikachu: Pi-kachu. [lax]

Me: Before we go on, I do have to explain a few things. The title of this event means "another world", because the theme of this event is a popular game which I'm not so into, but one that has its share of fans - including a faraway community, who just happen to hold the event because it's their anniversary.

Ash: Oh, it's another special one! It's like that "art stage" thing from last year!

Me: Indeed. It's so special that a few of my friends were willing to send in their characters since they're linked to the community as well. That's pretty significant if you ask me.

Ash: I have to agree. It's too bad that I can't perform on stage.

Me: Yeah. Today's the "theme day", so it's mostly for characters of the theme. And actually, had I been able to prepare a single performance for you today, maybe you could have. I'm to blame for that.

Ash: I know you and I have a lot of things to do, so I get it. I want to see what you can do for me next time.

Pikachu: Pika chu! Pika pika! ["Yeah! Me too!"]

Me: Trust me, I'm working on it. So, what else was interesting?

Ash: I helped your tile game friends from far away! It was fun, and your tips helped.

Me: Great! I didn't have a good day with it yesterday, so I'm glad it was better today.

Ash: I met a reader of your blog. He says he really likes it and he got into Pokémon because of it.

Me: That's amazing! That's the kind of thing that the posts of this blog are meant to do. Who knows what else can happen?

Ash: I like the event overall. The community stands are great, and the merchandise stands are OK. I want to be in next time there's something like this!

Pikachu: Pika, pi pika pika chu. ["Definitely so."]

Me: Yes, of course. In the meantime, we also need to prepare some that are coming ahead shortly. I'm sure we'll be ready.

One year ago: A Merchandise Dream
Two years ago: Unified Centers and Marts

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