Sunday, September 16, 2018

An End to Jumps

After having played the game regularly and continuously for almost three months, I have finally reached the end of the Magikarp Jump game. The way I managed to do so is by playing it on my old phone, which I miraculously recovered from its boot problem. As an incapacitated phone, though, it no longer has a place as such, but it is able to be used to play light games such as this one. The only problem is that on this phone, Magikarp Jump often hangs suddenly (most often after fishing for a new Magikarp or right before battle results are announced) and unceremoniously terminates. On the other hand, this is a good thing, because it often means that I should stop playing when that happens.

My impressions remain much the same as last time: this game is a great way to fill time... or waste time, depending on how one sees it. As for particulars, this game is well-designed and could pass for a Pokémon game on a Nintendo console. Every single text dialogue is amusing, at least by my perception, and the graphics are simplistic but supportive of this. Though it may not appear that there is much to do in the game, there really is a lot to be done and to be achieved, and that really adds to the replay value. If I were playing it on my current phone, I could conceivably play it continuously unchecked.

Though I have reached the end of the game, it really is an open end, especially for someone who played it without spending a single cent on the game. There are a few Magikarp patterns I've yet to obtain, and I would need to continue fishing for them. Aside from certain Pokémon I've summoned by purchase of their items with the Diamonds I've earned or by reaching certain points in the game, there are still more Pokémon I need to purchase; this likewise applies for many pond decorations. Finally, I have not accomplished a few achievements, which would support these goals. All of these are further incentives to keep playing.

Speaking of paying to play, I'm even more reluctant to do so now, as I have reached the end of the game, at least story-wise. True, I'd really have to pay to obtain the extremely useful Diamond Miner, which would accelerate post-game progression, but my money is better spent elsewhere, and I'm not in a rush. Yet this option remains an open one should I ever have quite a bit of cash to devote to the game.

Because of all the other things I've yet to achieve even with having reached the end of the game, I will certainly continue to play Magikarp Jump on a limited basis. The game is just too good to pass up while there are still plenty of things to do. All that is left is to accomplish the rest of them, and at that point, I can retire in peace... just like all the Magikarp in the game that came before.

One year ago: Pokémon Suits in Cosplay?

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