Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Proud to Be a Clean Cosplayer

If you've read my latest event recap and review (cosplaying as Ash, I might add), you might have noticed that the event took place somewhere that is not typically a venue for cosplay. Yes, that event took place in a club, as in a nightclub. And that means there were some unsavory things as well, but I did not partake in them. Given my tendency for Pokémon cosplay, and for the good of my cosplay efforts, I want to say that I'm proud to be a clean cosplayer (per the title of this post) and I want to keep it that way as much as possible.

First of all, I don't smoke. This has no place in my cosplay efforts and it simply ruins them. In general, I also try to steer clear of the smoke, although this would be (and was) hard to do in the setting above. Unfortunately, I currently reside in Indonesia, a country where smoking is prevalent and easy to encounter, even outside the nightclub setting. Further, some of my friends (cosplayer or not) also smoke; I won't say whom, but I've been a reluctant witness. This issue probably is and will never be completely avoidable even outside of cosplay, but at least I have my own standing on it.

Second, I don't drink alcohol... or at the least very, very sparingly. I didn't grow up with alcoholic drinks readily available, and for the few times I've been offered them recently (but not at the nightclub), I found that I couldn't stand the stuff. That seems to be a good thing, even more so with the fact that these drinks more often than not are expensive. There are better things that I could enjoy and taste, and I'd rather spend money on Pokémon things, in particular for Pokémon cosplay.

I also keep myself clean in other respects. I don't take part in raunchy activities or any illegal activities that might pose a threat to my inner well-being. If I did, I wouldn't be cosplaying in the first place, let alone enjoy everything about Pokémon. I use this as motivation to keep me going and avoid these activities, so that I may continue to enjoy both Pokémon and cosplay, without seriously compromising my well-being.

So on one hand, I try to stay clean as much as possible; on the other hand, it's not a complete cleanliness due to one factor or another. Perhaps I could be said to be relatively clean, compared to some other cosplayers. Regardless, I'm proud to state that this is the case personally. It's something that bodes well for my adventures in cosplay as well as my overall journey with Pokémon, and I'd like that to always be the case.

One year ago: Poké-Mobile Devices

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