Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The First English Anime Opening Theme

I've discussed about the first Japanese opening theme for the Pokémon anime, so I can't leave well enough alone without discussing the English counterpart. It's something I grew up with and listened to a lot as I watched the Pokémon anime with its English dub. For that, it's a bit "legendary" as well.

The song is titled simply "Pokémon Theme" and is also sometimes subtitled "Gotta Catch 'Em All", being the franchise slogan and part of the song's lyrics. Its original singer is Jason Paige, though it was sung by Billy Crawford for the first feature film. Most recently, it has made a reappearance in the English dub of last year's movie, which is nice but also surprising.

The song itself is electronic pop with some rock influences. Structure-wise, it's almost like any modern pop song. The most well-known lyrics have to be the first few lines: "I wanna be the very best/like no one ever was/to catch them is my real test/to train them is my cause". Anyone who grew up with this song should be able to recite these lines by heart or automatically think up of the lyrics after just a few words.

Theme-wise, the song is about journeys, togetherness and friendship, battling and challenges, and being one with each other (people and Pokémon). All things considered, this is not too far of an offshoot from the other opening song "across the pond". Perhaps the opening was created with the spirit of the other in mind.

As for singing this song like I did for the other opening, since most events or conventions I go to are Japan-centric, I wouldn't have the slightest chance of singing this song, no matter how related it is to Pokémon. The one exception would probably something like a certain mixed event last year, but this concept has not been realized again. Yet likewise, I've memorized the lyrics, so I've got it on the ready. Maybe it's time for a collaboration.

Personally, I consider this song a prominent part of Pokémon, as it is the "gateway" for many English-language viewers of the Pokémon anime, so it shouldn't be counted out. This is as much a part of Pokémon as anything else, and that makes me an extremely happy camper - on "both sides of the pond".

One year ago: Strong Opinions

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