Sunday, October 15, 2017

Cosplay: MAXcited

Today I went to an event which was neither Japanese-themed nor strictly about cosplay, but cosplay was welcomed there regardless. In fact, I (and a few other local cosplayers) were actually invited by a fellow cosplayer friend, which was kind of neat. We practically got to enjoy the event almost unrestricted as VIP guests, and that was awesome.

Even so, the event was more like a minor hobby showcase wrapped up with a major sponsor. I have to say, though, that if cosplay is understood and welcomed, I don't see much that is wrong about that. For some people, it is a hobby after all. As long as cosplay is appreciated for what it is - acting out our favorite characters with a costume - we're all for it.

Certainly it wouldn't be my cosplay without Pokémon cosplay, but since I didn't feel like breaking out a costume that has been neatly stored, I chose to wear third-generation Ash again, the same as the event from the week before. The reason for this is simply for convenience, and also the fact that the costume still looks mostly nice. I did the same thing for a two-day event or convention back in April, so I'm fine doing it now.

As for the event, it started off with a welcome and a roast, and I got roasted as I was the first cosplayer that was dressed and stood out. The rest of the invited cosplayers then got dressed, and we all pretty much stayed more or less together throughout the afternoon and evening. Photo ops were few but meaningful because we were together. I can't help but wonder, though, if I'm recognized more for my character's buddy than my own character. Clearly the people need to be more informed on Pokémon matters.

This was a nice short event to fill the latter half of the day. That cosplay is a part of it just makes it more delightful for those who do it. If the title of the event is a portmanteau of the words "MAXIMUM" and "excited", which it likely is, then I'm excited to cosplay and maximally excited to show that I like Pokémon. Think of this event as the best of both worlds.


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