Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pokémon Go Community Day Repeat, 10/28/2018

This month, aside from a certain concert only loosely related to Pokémon that bombed, Community Day in Pokémon Go also bombed for a large number of players for various reasons and with various effects. In several of the previous Community Days - most famously the second - the solution would be to extend Community Day for far longer than it should have been. Instead, Community Day would be repeated in its entirety, and that repeat was scheduled for today. And so I participated once again.

All the perks, and I mean every single one, returned, including the three-hour Lure Modules and fast Egg hatching - everything. It is after all a repeat, so things have to be exactly the same... or almost. An unspoken perk of this repeat is that because it coincides with the Halloween Event, which I have discussed in the previous post, all Beldum captured earn the player double Candies, which is an additional perk of the Halloween Event that I neglected to mention. Because of this added perk, this Community Day repeat becomes highly lucrative for any player who missed last week, didn't get good results, and/or is looking to build up a candy stock.

Since I've returned to where I live, I can take part in this repeat as I take part in most other Community Days: get together with my raid group, install a boatload of Lure Modules on the many PokéStops scattered in my area, and have a ball - a lot of fun, that is. The good part is that I wasn't alone in my efforts as I was last week, as the others in my raid group donated their Lure Modules to the cause, making this rather festive and not at all like last week's mini Beldum spree. Beldum appearances vastly improved this time, resolving one of the complaints from last week.

Personally, I got a ton of Beldum again, though many were still off in regard to stats. This was rectified slightly, however, by trading with others after the Beldum stopped appearing but while still in the window for Meteor Mash as the special move, which since last month's edition has been extended by one hour. Further, I also caught more Shiny Beldum than I did last week: four, which is double that of last week, but still far fewer than others that I polled. Their stats are subpar, but they may become bargaining power for trading for other Shiny forms, and that may be a good thing. Overall, my complaints are more or less resolved.

The good thing about repeating the event rather than extending it is that this leaves players more time to prepare and recover, and accommodates players who may have missed the original event, possibly helped by other perks in effect. In my case and other players' cases, it may also allow for the event to be conducted in two different places for both times. The bad thing is that players may have to reinvest to participate again, specifically regarding Lure Modules, which naturally last longer with an extension and not have to be reinstalled. The opposite situation may also occur, as players who made the original may miss the repeat. The comparison of the two solutions indicate both good and bad things.

While it can't be hoped that these repeats may occur, this solution seems to be viable enough if a Community Day goes awry for a few or many reasons. I personally approve of this solution, especially if it can have a much better turnout like today. Now the hope is that actual Community Days may go as smoothly as today did, perhaps even better than what any repeat or extension may remedy. But should things go wrong (per Murphy's Law), at least now it should be known what to do to make things right. ✔

One year ago: At the Movies: Episode 698 - "Movie Time! Zorua in 'The Legend of the Pokémon Knight!'"

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