Saturday, October 20, 2018

Santorini and Sootopolis City

OK, I have to admit it: I've been listening to Yanni a lot recently. His pieces are wonderful to listen to when I'm doing all kinds of stuff. And sometimes, that leads me back to Pokémon, something I'm also happy to discuss on this blog. And I'm about to discuss another one of those connections.

One of his most-celebrated pieces is "Santorini". Its original arrangement is majestic, but its live version is epic, as one of the pieces performed in his Acropolis concert over two decades ago, and more recently again in his Dream Concert. The piece gets its title from the Greek island of the same name, which has a rich history, not the least because it was involved in a geological event with a volcano a long time ago, which ultimately led to the island in its current state. It is perhaps this that Yanni wanted to capture in the piece. Regardless, the island itself is very beautiful, especially with the architecture of its buildings.

The island of Santorini also just happens to have a Pokémon connection, in the form of Sootopolis City in the Hoenn region. Like the real-life island, Sootopolis City is linked to volcanoes, or rather a volcano, because it is situated within the crater of one. The architecture of the buildings is a lot alike, which means that Sootopolis City must have been directly inspired by Santorini. And thus, I can't help but think of Sootopolis City as well to some extent when I listen to Yanni's piece above. The two places, both in the real world and the Pokémon world, make for great analogues of each other. And of course, both are beautiful no matter who regards them.

I'm writing this because... OK, I was supposed to be attending Yanni's concert tonight on this date at a well-known historical site, but then somehow the man himself injured his foot, and that took out a few of his planned concerts, including the one I was supposed to watch tonight. I'm rather disappointed, certainly, but it is what it is. And because travel plans have been made, I don't have much choice but to follow them. No matter - this will simply be a weekend getaway instead. What's more, Pokémon will still be involved somehow, so I'm still a happy camper.

A lot of Yanni's music celebrate life, and I personally consider that a great thing. "Santorini" is one of them. And as a Pokémon fan, I'm happy that I can relate it to something from that world as well, namely Sootopolis City. It's amazing how everything connects so brilliantly and makes me have appreciation for them.

One year ago: To Genwunners: Get with the Program!

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