Tuesday, October 20, 2020

YouTube Pokémon Highlights - Comic Dub Special

I have not done a YouTube highlight of Pokémon videos since July, and a lot of that is owed to my affairs, both in and out of Pokémon things. And yet, browsing through the social video site for Pokémon videos or otherwise is something that I still do at times. In actuality, today's highlight is a remnant highlight that I intended to make in a previous month but didn't because of those affairs. Now that I have some leeway, I can stand to make it and get it out of the way.

Earlier in July, I made a highlight of videos on a channel run by two brothers that made "comic dubs", video creations that turn static illustrated comics into something a little more dynamic with added voiced dialogue. As would be expected, they are not the only ones that realize these creations, and a few other channels and/or creators do exactly that, certainly in different ways than what was done by the previous channel. Today's highlight is intended to explore that.

One of those other creators is known as "TheKingRiki", and the creator has a few Pokémon comic dubs in his channel. A couple that I checked out involved the unusual case of Pokémon "dating" - likely before they breed - and what perhaps could be described as a result of that, with an odd family of Lucario. The latter, and a few of the other comic dubs, have some relation to Super Smash Bros., which is natural since Pokémon is related to it. It seems, though, that the creator has not been active since two years ago, evidenced by the last upload, but the works that have been uploaded are quite passable.

The previous creator is also associated with a few other creators and voice actors, and one of them goes by the name "The Aquatic Charizard". Beyond comic dubs, the creator is also well-known as a Pokémon fan and gamer, which can be seen in the other videos, but he still also takes pride in his comic dubs and voice acting, which has to be praised. I also checked out a couple of his creations, which incidentally involve comics by the same illustrator, one about some Fire-type starters getting along and another about two "big daddy Pokémon" outpacing each other. Those checking out the rest of his works should find the passion to be evident.

On a similar yet different take, there is a creator by the name of "BlazetheBrawler". Like the second creator above, he has multiple interests, including gaming. Unlike either one, some of the comic dubs here appear to involve him less as a voice actor and more as a producer, with others giving voices instead. He did provide Red's vocalizations in a comic dub of Red being defeated in Alola as well as one about his supposed "habits". Also like the first creator, there's been a long bit of absence by the creator, and even some problems have been disclosed lately. His efforts should be welcomed nonetheless as well.

The world of (Pokémon) comic dubs on YouTube is a broad, broad world, and I can't stand to explore all or even much of it in a single post. That said, before I close this post, I can stand to offer a couple more comic dubs: one by Dottovu about a "Sylveon idol" and another by Scribbler Productions about Red getting "tried" in Alola. The first one should be rather cutesy while the second one could be a little harsh. Even with that, they do show the possibilities that can happen.

Comic dubs are really a big highlight for Pokémon-related videos on YouTube, if the creators and videos highlighted above are of any indication. For that, it's also no wonder that it took me a while before I could stand to make this highlight. In any case, they're also representative of the social power of the videos, many of them being collaborations. I and others who browse YouTube can stand to perceive that social power through these Pokémon comic dubs and more.

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