Sunday, October 18, 2020

Starting with the End in Mind

I've been writing posts on this Pokémon blog for a long time. Over that long time, there have been obviously a variety of challenges that I've had to deal with, and I have somehow gotten over them one way or another. Today, I want to discuss about one of them that keeps recurring, even as recent as a few posts back. The challenge is that as I'm writing posts, I sometimes think about how it's supposed to end or conclude, even well before I'm supposed to make the ending part of the post. It's a real challenge in that in a sense one doesn't want things to end before they have to end, and yet in my case, it seems easy to think of the end even only as l begin.

All good writing - and therefore good posts on this blog - needs a good way of ending just as much as they need a good beginning. It's a natural thing for any piece of writing if one desires them to be good, or even really good. What seems to be unnatural is that I think about how the ending is supposed to shape up even well before how the rest of the post is supposed to shape up. For those familiar with the writing process, a "pre-write" can be made to plan out something to be written, and in light of this, the above challenge seems to be moot. And yet, even with the (semblance of a) pre-write that I make for my posts, I seem to be inclined to conceive the ending before anything else.

An example would serve to illustrate my case in point. When I was composing the post regarding the Go Battle League rewards, I actually thought of the "indirect" part of the conclusion as I was composing the other parts of the post, specifically most of the first half or so. While I did think up of the rest of the contents of the post (what happens, personal experience, and best practices) beforehand, as I prepared to realize their explanations, it was then that this part of this ending came up. As can be surmised, this situation occurs not only for this post, but also a few others, though by now I've pretty much lost the exact memory of how the occurrences happened; only this one stood out in particular.

On the plus side, it may be considered a blessing that this phenomenon occurs, since it means I won't have to think hard about how the key point of the ending part of the post would be realized, especially if I manage to catch the point and put it down somehow before I forget, much like how I deal with posts in general as I conceive their ideas before I actually make them. On the minus side, it does seem that when this happens, it would seem a little premature, as strange as the "Strange Eggs" thing that just happened, which to some extent also had the phenomenon happen because of thinking "strangely" about the ending. It would seem that the phenomenon could go in a number of ways.

As far as "challenges" go with the posts that I make, therefore, it would seem that this is one that I haven't exactly gotten over because of the continued recurrence of it. When thinking of Pokémon topics to discuss on this blog, I also have to think up of the way to round out their discussion, which is fine when it comes to that point, but perhaps not so much beforehand. It still has to happen somehow, given what I do with this blog. I do want to say, however, that as much as I have to round out discussions about Pokémon, the one thing I don't want to have to round out is Pokémon itself, if this phenomenon is to suggest anything. If anything, it should keep on going - just as I continue discussing it on this very blog.

One year ago: October (on the) Road
Three years ago: Second Remakes?

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