Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween 2020: Facing the "Spooks"

...which brings me and everyone to the ultimate bewitching highlight of October, known far and wide as Halloween. If last year (see below) I felt estranged by it, this time I - and most likely many more people around the world, including Pokémon fans - feel more greatly spooked by it. The reason is of course because of current global conditions that are perhaps more spooky than any kind of Halloween trick. They have unleashed "spooks" (in addition to existing ones) that have totally turned over every fabric of life, including some related to Pokémon. It can be such a wonder regarding the matter of facing those "spooks", and yet they must be faced.

There are a few aspects that are to be followed in the struggle against those "spooks", but I won't reiterate them here, and they are to be followed regardless. What I will touch on, though, is other aspects that complement that struggle and can stand to apply to Pokémon affairs as well. One of those is "don't panic" or "remain calm"; by doing so, all kinds of advancements and/or decisions can be made in a rational manner even if they don't turn out as expected. Another one is "be alert" to anticipate changes that may occur, then to adapt to the changes as they do occur. In different kinds of Pokémon battles, both aspects apply to some facets of the battles, which can then be followed to help assure victory or at the very least allow for it to occur. 

When it becomes necessary to face the "spooks", as with the current global situation, then a person has to be quite prepared, for which the above aspects may very well help to do so. That also means not overstepping the bounds of what a person can only be demanded to do, lest the global "spooks" overwhelm and therefore defeat the person. Pokémon and its associated battles have their own different kind of "spooks", but they can overwhelm and defeat in the same way, except through preparations in the same way as above. It is hoped that the "spooks" will be driven away and good and happy returns will result - only those, if preferred.

Today, there was a different kind of "spooks", though. And...

Me: I asked you earlier to try to go catch a few Alolan Marowak from a few Gyms. Did you get them?

Ash: I did! I went to all the Gyms that was easy for me to get to and I raided them. It was amazing - they're all over the place! Alolan Marowak is pretty strong, but your Pokémon could deal with it with no problem.

Me: Neat, huh? This Raid used to need two people at least, but if you're prepared, then you can really work on it alone.

Ash: One of your faraway friends also invited me to a raid in their Gym, and I got that.

Me: OK. So how many did you get?

Ash: I got nine: six off your free passes from yesterday and today, and two off premium passes, plus that remote invite. They weren't Shiny, though.

Me: Well, that's unfortunate. Luckily I already have a different Shiny one. The ones you raided should all know the Shadow Bone move.

Ash: They do! I guess they should be neat. And it was fun to raid while with my Alola outfit.

Me: That was the consideration. I think I may be able to do something with all these Shadow Bone users. Thanks a lot - especially for going out in the rain.

Ash: Don't mention it. Things worked out with these spooky things.

For the uninitiated, that would indeed be the realization of the Alolan Marowak Raid Day that got canned last year, but it worked out this year on the most appropriate day of all days. They brought out another kind of "spooks" in a time filled with them. And this year it becomes as such, making us able to get what we couldn't get before. In a world filled with "spooks", there are many different kinds of them, as with this one. Yet it is certain that with a little effort, peace of mind can bring peace to even the wildest of "spooks", with or without a visible appearance.

Happy Halloween 🎃 ...and stay safe. 👻

Three years ago: Happy Halloween!

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