Thursday, October 22, 2020

On the Variety of Go Plus Peripherals

Pokémon Go is a great game all on its own. However, one thing that can augment the gameplay experience is the use of one of the neat mini-gadgets that for this post I'll refer to as "Go Plus peripherals". There is actually a maddening variety of these, and sometimes their use can be maddening as well. The latter issue I will save for a later post; right now, I wish to highlight the kinds and features of these mini-gadgets for a bit of perspective on them.

The first of these is of course the original and namesake for these mini-gadgets, the Pokémon Go Plus. These do exactly what they need to do, which is to catch Pokémon and spin PokéStops and/or Gyms. The peripheral is operated in order for it to function, which is by way of the flashing button in the middle, much as one deals with the game, but off the screen. Since it's the original, it's a good choice for those looking to take some pressure off of holding their phones to play, and may be very helpful in certain situations.

With the announcement of Pokémon Sleep last year, a different kind of Go Plus peripheral was announced, being called the Pokémon Go Plus +. There's not much that differentiates this from the original, except for the shape and the fact that it's certainly geared for those intending to play Pokémon Sleep as well as Pokémon Go. And as much as the game itself is being developed, it too is being developed. If Pokémon Sleep is a sure thing, then this might be worth looking into, especially when both the game and the peripheral comes about.

Those who play the Let's Go games will no doubt be familiar with the Poké Ball Plus, which came out along with the games when they were released. As expected, the peripheral looks like a Poké Ball; it is also to function as a partial controller for the games, and to hold a Pokémon that can be made to travel around with them, along with its functioning as with any other Go Plus peripheral. The ultimate goal of this is to support playing both Pokémon Go and the Let's Go games, and that's a natural reason to get one.

There are also variations of these, many of them mods or "indie" creations. Enterprising souls have been able to modify the Pokémon Go Plus to make it "automatic", and some of my raid fellows actually use this. Even more enterprising people have been able to create peripherals that replicate its functions but are more practical (rechargeable, simplified) to use, and some users of these devices are pretty well-known, though I won't say who. Still, the unofficial nature of these gadgets may make them undesirable.

The intent of the "Go Plus peripherals" is indeed to make it easier to enjoy the game, and all of the above do that along with other capabilities on the side. Beyond the maddening variety, the takeaway is that one can purchase certain peripherals according to certain (supplementary) needs and fulfill those needs while at the same time enjoying the primary game they are designed for, Pokémon Go. Their assistance in that respect should not be counted out.

Two years ago: Resilience
Three years ago: Cosplay: Arigatoo...!!!

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