Saturday, October 17, 2020

Pokémon Go Community Day, 10/17/2020

In last month's Pokémon Go Community Day edition, there were a few "scenarios from the past", one of them being that last month's edition and this month's edition, specifically the Pokémon species and their associated families for inclusion, were both decided by voting. The winner's turn was of course last month, so this month is the runner-up's turn. As for those "scenarios", this month had a larger one of its own due to the way that the voting that took place in August turned out, and it's pretty significant as far as Community Day is concerned from the beginning up to now.

So, the runner-up from the voting from two months ago was... Charmander. That's really significant, because this is the first Community Day Pokémon to be repeated, and by Trainer votes nonetheless. Those in the know will recognize that Charmander already had its (first) Community Day way back in May 2018, and back then it was a standard Community Day owing to its starter Pokémon status, and as thus its final evolution of Charizard got Blast Burn as a Charged move. This time, as part of its repeat and by its earlier candidacy, it gets a different move: Dragon Breath as a Fast move, obviously owing to the fact that Mega Charizard X is part-Dragon type, making it quite suitable for that. For the usual bonus, it is triple Stardust for captures, which should be of interest to anyone who is hungry for Stardust for any purpose. It also should be noted that Blast Burn is expressly unobtainable at the moment and only Dragon Breath is obtainable.

While the conditions of the world are still what they are, Community Day remains what it has become, though there is a slight influence from a new view on things, specifically regarding Incense. Other than that, every related Community Day perk remains the same, including an additional paid Special Research, this time called "A Tale of Tails", a nod to the flaming tails of the entire species family. The backstory of the Special Research also includes this nod throughout. One thing I do have to mention, though, is that the Special Research seemed to come later than it should, as late as on the very day of the event. This may cause problems for those who typically plan ahead on getting it, and even I had personal problems of my own when I did. This may be something to look into.

As Mega Evolution has entered Pokémon Go, some more changes were made to accommodate its inclusion (which fortunately, Charizard already has) into this Community Day. If last month there was an additional Timed Research to provide evolution items, this time the Timed Research is retained to provide Charizard Mega Energy instead: a whopping 300 of them from the Timed Research alone. The paid Special Research also included an extra page consisting of - yes, as expected - Mega Energy, another 300 of them; so for those fortunate, 600 Charizard Mega Energy can be obtained graciously. Those who spun certain PokéStops may also be fortunate to receive Mega Energy, though only 10, from the "catch-3" tasks. These are indeed less demanding ways to obtain Mega Energy, which partially relieves the quibble. As an aside, one of the reasons I and Handoyo discussed Charizard in Episode 1 of our podcast was in light of this very event, which was known as far back as when we made it, but only now divulged on my blog.

This month, my friend who was with me in the past two months couldn't make it to meet me. With that, I decided not to to try to venture too far, but still get in some Community Day time. Since this edition is effectively in part a "replay", I decided that I would try to do things a little differently. For the first one and a half hours, I took care of friend- and Buddy-related matters while still capturing Charmander, though without the use of an Incense. For the next three hours, it was in full-on Community Day mode with an activated Incense. The last one and a half hours was spent in "cleanup" mode for cleaning myself personally, finishing the paid Special Research, and deciding which ones to be evolved, while still capturing any available Charmander. Since the transition to a full six hours of Community Day, I've found that I tend to get overwhelmed with six hours of full Incense, let alone knowing that I may not be able to be present for some of it (recharging phone, resting, and so on); this new approach was intended to lessen the burden, and it works to some extent. For a Community Day with a repeat species, this may be the best way yet - otherwise I'll go back to my old way for a new species.

If last month's Community Day had small "scenarios from the past", this one had a major one, due to having the first repeat species for a Community Day. And now that it's done and gone, it "opens the door" for a few other past scenarios to be realized in the future. Further, for as long as the world is still in its condition, this may be considered a partial expectation, along with the full expectation of the current ways for Community Day. Whatever the expectations, it seems that as long as Trainers impart the will to success, the success will happen regardless, even during today's conditions.

Three years ago: Pokémon and Trains

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