Thursday, October 15, 2020

Strange Eggs, and Getting Estranged with Eggs

Something new has livened up the "Egg market" in Pokémon Go. A new type of Egg has appeared with its own peculiar properties. The new type of Egg is called a "Strange Egg", and it's distinguishable by the red spots on the Egg. It's also particularly distinguishable by its hatch distance, which is 12 kilometers, the most out of any Egg available thus far. Therefore, if no events are in place that cut Egg hatch distance by some amount, these Eggs are totally fodder for the Super Incubator. Even with that, some walking effort is required regardless.

Obtaining these Eggs is no strange matter. They are obtained after defeating the Team Go Rocket Leaders (Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra) and certainly provided that there is an empty Egg slot, as with any Egg in general. Now, in light of this fact, these Eggs are in part the result of their strange work, which is currently happening and needs to be explained, though not at the moment. What is currently in the moment is of course these Eggs, which one needs to expend a bit of effort to obtain, and yet the results may leave one feeling estranged, in a sense.

At the moment, these Eggs may hatch a number of assorted species that have appeared in Pokémon Go (Larvitar, Absol, and Scraggy among others), as well as some new species making their debuts (Vullaby, Pawniard, and Sandile). What many of these species have in common is they gain the Dark type at a certain evolutionary stage or have already gained it in the case of Absol. While that sounds fascinating and somehow attractive, there is the issue that their hatch rates are not necessarily equal or even, making some particularly hard to get, if they aren't already due to the preconditions of the Egg.

It has been shown that the hatch rates of most of the Pokémon that may hatch from this Egg are relatively even, except for two Pokémon in particular, one of them being the new debuts (Sandile). Therefore, one would seem to be hard-pressed if one is on the hunt for those specific Pokémon. The Eggs themselves may be a little difficult to get if one is unprepared to face the Team Go Rocket Leaders, and then they may be hard to hatch without a Super Incubator and/or an event that cuts Egg hatch distances, let alone other things on the agenda. In short, there are potential problems that luck may or may not resolve.

And strangely enough, this is not the first time. Back in August, there was the Dragon Week event that promised Shiny Deino from 10 km Eggs, and while the promise wasn't exactly "broken", it wasn't exactly "fulfilled" either. A very few lucky Trainers did get their Shiny Deino, but for most everyone else, it was a miss - even if they got a Deino at all. Coincidentally, Deino is the other of the two Pokémon with the "outlier" hatch rate as above, and it's definitely in the mix for the new Eggs. Now the "estrangement" is evident, as without prior knowledge, one might be tempted to doubt that the Pokémon may be obtained from the Eggs.

The "Strange Egg" truly lives up to its name, with the way that it is obtained and the Pokémon that it may beget. However, it also provides a repeat case of the "estrangement" feeling that one gets when one is unable to hatch a particular Pokémon that is known to be able to be gotten from Eggs. The new Eggs remain "strange" by their name, but perhaps that should be the only thing that's "strange" about them. The rest of the Eggs have to remain a hot and lively ticket to obtain the Pokémon they can provide.

One year ago: Rekindling Old Games
Three years ago: Cosplay: MAXcited

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