Thursday, October 8, 2020

Countermeasures for Pokémon Go: Taking Stands, Taking Chances

The last time I wrote about the "countermeasures" for Pokémon Go was two months ago on what's staying and what's going. Recently, there's been an update on the "countermeasures", so I feel the need to make this post again. Furthermore, the update can be described as "taking a stand", being that it establishes a position (or positions), but at the same time, the update's position could be a bit risky and is therefore "taking a chance" (or "chances"). These also need to be discussed along with that update.

In the recent update, which was put in place at the beginning of this month, the half-distance bonus for Eggs have been removed and distances have returned to normal for them; to help hatch Eggs, more incubators have been provided in the Shop boxes. Walking is now also necessary to get Pokémon to appear with the use of an Incense. For Gifts, Buddy Pokémon will bring them only once a day and only when very, very low, and the chance of getting them from PokéStops or Gyms has been decreased slightly. The bonus distance removal is in line with what was expected to go, though the Go Battle League wasn't affected, for now at least. The general Egg distances weren't changed either.

Now, the stand that was taken as the rationale for this change is that people - in particular Trainers - need to walk for their health, both mind and body. Pokémon Go has always been designed in mind to promote health, so this part makes sense in a way. As a follow-up to this, another stand that was taken its that the walking effort can be done safely even in these uncertain times by following all necessary health protocols, including maintaining proper social distancing. It can and has been proven to be doable, so there is some truth to this as well.

As for the chances, some have considered that some people at present may still be unable to get the necessary walking distances, whether by area or physical limits, and therefore the update makes less sense due to this, moreover since GBL wasn't affected, though it could have been due to its practices before current situations. Another issue is that even if people can and should follow health protocols, it doesn't mean that they will, due to one reason or another. This is especially so if there isn't some kind of reinforcement, and thereby the opportunity itself would present a chance to become ill rather than to become more healthy. These are serious chances for current times.

The countermeasures in Pokémon Go aren't intended to last indefinitely - or on the contrary, if they make things more workable but not excessively so - but some of the latest that have been changed up and out may present positions and risks that some may not want to be in and can do without. Still, by knowing the positions and risks, the further changes that have been made may be considered to be workable, at least until changes in positions and risks demand even more changes to keep the world of Pokémon Go going - safely, might I add.

One year ago: Someone Else's Points
Two years ago: A Poké Ball Keychain
Three years ago: Cosplay: Kisetsu no Matsuri

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