Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Workouts, Exercise, and Fitness with Pokémon

Recently, I've been seeing a few ads (or rather, one that often pops up repeatedly) for a fitness app while I'm browsing through videos on YouTube, and I find that I enjoy its concept. Meanwhile, I have a friend who often promotes efforts to get fit through certain forms of exercise or workouts, and I have to say I'm interested at times. Of course, being that I am the way I am as a Pokémon fan, I'm also inclined to get Pokémon involved. That gets me thinking that somehow that can indeed happen, and that becomes the inspiration for writing this post.

In a way, Pokémon already has a fitness app, and it's a game called Pokémon Go. As long as it's being played appropriately, it should provide a good indication of how far one has walked, which if significantly performed could and should also be an indication of fitness. Of course, this would be well to do if it were to be combined with the other "lifestyle games" of Pokémon Sleep (still in development, but has a relationship to fitness nonetheless) and Pokémon Smile (out now), but this may be digressing slightly, especially for the latter game. The point is that fitness and Pokémon have some semblance of being together.

As for that fitness app, I'm sure it's a great thing and I would enjoy it no matter what. But given that I'm a Pokémon fan, I can't help but think that I would enjoy it more with a Pokémon touch, or perhaps even a similarly-designed app that is created with Pokémon (fans) in mind. The most important thing is that the fitness goals ought to remain the same yet also achievable even with Pokémon incorporated. Being that Pokémon hails from games, if Pokémon were to be incorporated, at least one minigame of some sort could be included, but relevance has to be maintained somehow and it shouldn't take over. To see the fitness and Pokémon objectives balanced would be a neat thing.

And then there is the thing about exercise and workouts, which is the specialty of my friend. As with the fitness app, I would be inclined to follow them, especially in their demonstrations, and this is an area where Pokémon can stand to be involved. For this purpose, the demonstrating Pokémon would have to be humanoid and as closely resembling people as possible. Perhaps they also wouldn't replace people completely; the Pokémon could be alongside ordinary people, and both would demonstrate as closely as possible for people to follow - and I would be one of the followers.

Fitness (and its necessary entailments of workouts and exercise) is not something that would be thought of normally as being linked to Pokémon, but for those who really enjoy Pokémon, then it could be a natural step to take. It would at least be an encouragement for those who might be about to resemble Snorlax to take measures that would keep them looking like Gallade (or Gardevoir, for women). I'm sure the fitness app ads and the promotion by my friend is a rather sharp cue for me to take action to get fit, even with Pokémon included.

Three years ago: Never Stop Exploring

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