Sunday, July 12, 2020

YouTube Pokémon Highlights - GabaLeth Edition

With my continued exploration of YouTube, I continue to find even more Pokémon things that I can pleasantly enjoy; as such, I may consider doing these highlights a little more often. Last week, I highlighted a music channel, something that can be realized using the videos uploaded on it, but the primary function of videos is certainly to display visuals, and this is typical of many videos there, including the channel I'm highlighting in this post. The channel is called GabaLeth, and the videos on this channel do something interesting with the visual aspect enhanced by audio, all wrapped up in videos.

The name of the channel may sound odd, but there's a reason: there are two creators manning the channel, and their names are Gabasonian and Lethalityrush (they're twins), so the channel's name is a blend of the two. It reminds me of my own real name, but I digress. What they do (and make) on this channel are "comic dubs": they take comics that they make themselves or even from other creator-illustrators as well, have different people provide voice lines for the dialogue, apply a few visual and auditory touches including mouth movements for the dialogue and added sound effects, and present the whole shebang in videos. Their specialty is comics and comic dubs that feature things under Nintendo's banner - Mario, Zelda, and of course, Pokémon; in fact, I discovered the channel not by a Pokémon comic dub, but by a Mario comic dub. One thing certainly led to another, and now I highlight them here.

Done well, this can bring life even to the simplest (and most absurd) of Pokémon fan comics, such as one featuring Pikachu vs. Charmander on the merits of some Pokémon, enabling one to truly relate to each (notably, this particular comic dub also made use of Mewmore's music as above). Heartwarming but still kooky moments can become even more so, as in an imaginary parent-child relationship revealed between Giratina and Mimikyu during a "school" lunch break. As Pokémon isn't just about the creatures, the human characters can be as enigmatic as well; there is one that lets viewers sense how Guzma might (actually) react to a Team Skull Pikachu. Then there is also one from an expanded idea about a certain line that a Youngster NPC Trainer has; this last one is actually a Gabasonian original, unlike the others that are other comics from creators all over the web. 

This channel has been around for five years (to be more precise, five and a half, since their "half-anniversary" was nine days ago), and like any creator, styles develop over time and so does variety. One of their earliest works is a comic dub on a plausibly doubtful use of Flash in the fifth generation; a little later on, there is one involving antics of a Team Aqua Admin in battle, from the third-generation (remakes). When the seventh generation came about, they made their share of comic dubs, including of first-generation characters Red giving a gift to Blue, obviously during their visit to Alola. Their latest works involve the eighth generation and the Galar region, including one about one of the characteristic Gym Leaders there. Again, it's worth noting that not all the comics are theirs - this applies for the latter two here, and they even include non-comic footage - but these rather depict their advancement.

GabaLeth have a tagline that they state on their recent comic dub videos: "N-joy [enjoy] and stay perky". Looking at their portfolio, of which the videos linked here are only a small part of that and especially in regard to the ones involving Pokémon, they've done their best to realize just that. They have their own style that makes all kinds of emotions apparent, even for the comics of other creators. I would say that I did enjoy their takes on the comics, and they make me feel perky; it's a totally unique stop on my YouTube journey and adventure with Pokémon, and it should be so for others as well.

Two years ago: Exploring Dual Types
Three years ago: "Don't Fear Failure!"

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