Thursday, July 16, 2020

Starting from Somewhere

A statement that should be familiar to people who are skilled in doing certain things, whether professionally or for fun, is that "everyone starts from somewhere". It means that not everyone is skilled from the start, and they all begin with different skill levels, and perhaps also from different places. Skills and places are things that are also common to Pokémon and its fans like me, so it's natural that I got to think of it upon thinking of this statement.

The first thing that came into my mind is regarding this statement with respect to places. The archetypal "beginning Trainer" would certainly begin in the respective hometowns, but as it stands, there are many places in the world where a Trainer could live and start life as one, and that's perfectly fine. Beyond what the games have as their standard scenarios, there would be a great deal of possibilities for just about any Trainer who hail from different places. It is a kind of marker that remains for them.

As for skills, it is plain to see that Trainers in different places are of different skill levels as well, though in time they can elevate themselves to a different standing. It's something that people naturally do, no matter how they progress in doing so, whether slowly or quickly. Yet the initial mark for that also remains, just like with the place marker above; it becomes something undeniable about where their skills stand at a current time compared to that previous time as a starting point.

For a realistic example, one doesn't have to look far. I have my origins with Pokémon, and it's a humble one that has steadily expanded with the places I've been. Regarding skills with the games, I have some good ones and not-so-good ones, but much of the former and some of the latter definitely has had improvement along the way. The fact of the matter is that I started "somewhere", and there is no doubt that the earlier points of those will remain, particularly as a gauge to where I stand today. 

Hence, the statement remains true however one thinks about it. At times, even particularly in current times, it may be easy to forget that this is the case for just about anyone. But looking at Pokémon and even how I - likely, other fans as well - fare with it, this becomes easily asserted. It becomes important to realize that the skill(s) one are imbued with definitely start from some earlier point in place and even time.

One year ago: Pokémon Go Version 1?
Two years ago: Daily Tasks
Three years ago: Flying Quirks of Charizard

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