Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Values of Posts

It is plain to see, for anyone who visits and reads this blog, that my blogging efforts go back a long ways. At this point, it has reached almost three years and seven months. That is indeed a long time, and I've certainly considered its economic aspect in some ways. The latest consideration would be the valuation of my individual posts as I've made them within that time. I thought about this consideration while making one of my recent posts and incidentally while thinking of another Pokémon consideration.

There was a certain valuation that I thought of, which if applied to each of my posts up to now, would allow me to have something that would expand my Pokémon opportunities, and certainly even the posts on this blog. It was a fancy thought, but now that I thought about it again, perhaps the valuation would be different, as many of my posts at the beginning of this blog may have a quality that is not comparable to the quality of later ones, in that later ones may be more improved. Whatever the case, the thought established that each and every one of my posts can be valuated somehow.

At the moment, however, it seems hard to ascertain how much that valuation would be, in particular with all the Pokémon things I've gotten going since I've started this blog. It may be that it is very little and I've already spent all of it on something Pokémon, like that splurge I made last year, or perhaps even the ticket to participate in this year's Pokémon Go Fest. If not, it may be that the valuation is really not apparent even now. They say, one reaps what one sows, and I feel that I've sown a lot of things with this blog. Yet I've also felt that I haven't reaped much, especially in valuations.

Meanwhile, quite some time has passed since I have opened the door to donations and recently since I set up something different with practically the same effect. These too are things that I have sown but not yet reaped. It may take something radical still in order to reap something from these efforts. From these, I would indeed be able to determine a valuation or certain ones for my posts - that is, of course, if things happened as intended. More importantly, what I reap would serve as the capability for expanding my Pokémon opportunities as above. And thus things go in a loop.

After over three and a half years of a sole, dedicated effort, it would be natural to think about what can and/or has been gotten out of it, particularly from an economic standpoint and in this case regarding the values of the posts that I've made even to today. It has been a real long time with a long stretch of Pokémon things, and neither it nor the blog posts covering them are about to let up any time soon. All that remains to be seen is to discover how their economic values are or even were realized.

Three years ago: Under 100 Hours?

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