Friday, July 24, 2020

Preparing for (Everyone's) Go Fest

This year's Pokémon Go Fest "for everyone" is about to get underway soon - tomorrow - and it's worth it to discuss a few things in relation to that as well as for Go Fest in general, as in an actual in-person live event that would ordinarily take place. Pokémon Go Fest is a great event to be sure, but like any event, one would conceivably have to prepare some things in order to be more successful with the event. Preparations would help in different aspects no matter how the event is held, whether live as in past years or virtual as is this year. Those aspects would include in-game and out-of-game aspects.

The most important of the out-of-game aspects would be the equipment needed to play the game as well as useful tools for that. One's mobile device with the game is absolutely necessary, along with a containment device and/or a strap if necessary, just in case something goes wrong, but hopefully not. The game is (in)famous for taking its toll on batteries, so it may help to have a power bank or an alternative power plan, such as knowing where and possibly when to charge up. Connection problems may sometimes occur during play, and thus alternative connections aren't a bad idea. Other than that, the rest is to prepare for fun and celebration, which Go Fest essentially is, with all the usual things for one including the decorations that one should have printed out and assembled. These will all surely add to the mood.

Meanwhile, one should also prepare things within the game as well. Unneeded Pokémon should be transferred and/or traded away to make room for all the possible species that can be captured. Items that are not pertinent should be discarded or used up to allow room for more pertinent items, which in this case should be focused on Poké Balls and perhaps Berries to some extent. One good way to do this would be to open gifts, which would also accomplish the secondary purpose of interacting with friends, which is likely to be quite desired. A few other tips have been shared by none other than Niantic themselves on the official Pokémon Go blog, which leads to a few other implications of what should be prepared, including what to do on the days of the event, being tomorrow and Sunday, which should then go well.

Speaking of blogs, I have to prepare myself for both days as well. On that note, I want to do something that I've never done before: a live blog. Live blog posts are often used to keep up with live events of long stretches of time and where things can get real dynamic, possibly allowing for anything to happen. This year's Pokémon Go Fest is definitely just that, especially on Sunday, which has been stated to remain a mystery until that very day. Therefore, live blog posts become an option that makes sense for coverage of this event instead of an overall wrap-up at the end. It would be similar to something that a certain someone did for a well-known livestream featuring Pokémon, only this would indeed be shorter. But that doesn't mean it would be void of content; in fact, I plan to update how things go around every half hour. This will be a totally new challenge for me.

It will likely be a long while before Pokémon Go Fest can be held as normal in person, and perhaps even longer before I will be able to attend one somehow. But with today's conditions, the virtual Pokémon Go Fest serves as a nice proxy. Either way, one still needs to prepare, and that includes I myself and practically everyone else participating. There are a few of these different aspects that can and should be prepared, but they should be simply obvious and simply make things more workable and interesting. Hopefully that applies to practically everyone like this edition of Pokémon Go Fest does.

One year ago: Making Things Simple
Two years ago: The Greatest, Everyday
Three years ago: Pokémon School

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