Saturday, July 11, 2020

Reminiscing More of My Early Days with Go

Early on in this blog, I detailed a few experiences from my early days with Pokémon Go. It was a fascinating time for a game that suddenly really got going to a massive start. After that initial burst, however, the mood quickly dissipated, almost "dying", so to speak. Yet the memories from those early days remain alive within my mind. Since this is the "anniversary month" for the game, it seems worth it to detail a few more of those moments to provide a greater perspective.

When the game was released, it coincided with a very special time for a certain group of people around the world, but especially for those in my local area; I've actually alluded to it a few times over since then. Therefore, it can be said that the game was a "present" for this special time, though this special time doesn't really warrant presents, unlike another special time that occurs later in the year (at this particular point anyhow - I've noted that it shifts a few days each year). That timing might have helped quite a bit in boosting the popularity of the game in some areas, particularly mine.

For that, the effects in my local area were profound. A certain park day in and day out became the place where Trainers set up Lure Modules, and later on, that same park became the host for early EX Raids with its sole EX Raid Gym in the area. It became the talk of pretty much everyone, and a national-regional newspaper even featured a "Pokémon Go" issue along with its normal news. As well, one of the contests - the one I participated in - was also a radio contest held at a local mall, and the live broadcast made things rather remarkable. The media coverage was obviously something that disappeared, but the park spirit didn't.

As for Pokémon Go groups, they did exist at the time. I joined a group of Trainers of Team Mystic - my would-be team later on - showing my support for it. Similar groups existed for the other teams, in addition to some general groups; when the mood dissipated, these groups splintered or disbanded. One of these splinter groups, fortunately, became the local main raid group of which I am a member today. Meanwhile, I just learned that one of my friend groups in WhatsApp was originally one of these general groups, only with an obvious focus shift. Changes were significant here as well.

It becomes clear that as I reminisce about the early days of Pokémon Go around me and my local area, things are not what they used to be. Then again, so is the game with all the changes that have been implemented in it. Those initial moments may be considered to no longer have sufficient life force, the same way many considered the game afterwards, but at least my mind keeps them alive, and in fact the game is still alive to this day. With the game now a few years older, I suppose only that fact really matters. 

Three years ago: Going Back to the NDS

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