Tuesday, July 28, 2020

On Live Blogging (and Pokémon)

For those who have been reading my blog last Saturday and Sunday, something became apparent: for my coverage of Pokémon Go Fest on both days, I didn't do a one-off post - I didn't write everything up beforehand and then hit "Publish", and instead, I created the post early and then updated it regularly as the day went on. This technique is of course called "live blogging", and it is used for covering situations where a lot of things (can) go on over a long period of time, which Go Fest is potentially one of them. After the experience of doing so for two days, I've got lots of things to say about it, including some related to Pokémon.

If regular blogging is already a challenge, then live blogging presents a different kind of challenge. One has to be able to update the post frequently throughout the day, and I did fine the first day, but then started to "run out of steam" on the second. Given that I was also multitasking by playing, it might be understandable. One also has to be more careful regarding what one is saying, much like media reporters, and I might have faltered a few times doing this on both days, especially since much of my mind is on the game. By live blogging, one is essentially "thrusted forward" into the action like those of the profession I've just described, or in a way also like an MC, and that is a challenge for those not used to this situation, which in some ways I am. In many ways, it is a total challenge.

I'll also admit, the tools I had for doing this were kind of meager. I had some way to blog, which is definitely requisite for blogging of any kind, including for Pokémon things. For basic blogging as I've done for three and a half years, it seems to be fine, but for live blogging, it's not as capable, particularly in the area of timestamps, something crucial for live blogging efforts - I had to put in my own in this regard, and manually at that. Consulting with a friend indicates a concurrence for this matter. Now, I'm not about to undertake the inclusion of something new for the purpose of something that I'm likely to do only very rarely, so in the end, things may suffice if I were to do this again for another Pokémon opportunity that is perfect for or really demands this style of blogging.

That does lead to the question: just what Pokémon opportunities might be perfect for this? I wouldn't really want to do it for an event where I cosplay, since it involves beyond Pokémon and most of the time I'm the one (perhaps, of a few) who is trying to make it relevant to Pokémon, and the way I've done things in the past couple of years makes sense for that. If I were to somehow make it to a Pokémon tournament on a similar scale to the World Championships, then live blogging might just be appropriate as there could be lots to do and lots to cover. This would similarly apply for a full-day event dedicated to Pokémon like Go Fest of any kind. In short, the opportunities are limited - at least for me - but it might befit my limited capabilities as well.

My latest foray into live blogging wasn't all bad, but it wasn't too good either in some ways. It has revealed my limitations in executing such an effort, whether of myself or the tools that I use. It seems to still be quite workable to a certain extent, and for that reason alone it may deserve to be executed again at the time that is the most appropriate, particularly when Pokémon is concerned for practically the better part of a day and I can be directly involved within it. While that waits to come to fruition, I still have lots of blogging to do in the upcoming times for upcoming Pokémon things. Live or not, I'm surely well with them.

Two years ago: Figure Photography
Three years ago: Modern Games, Retro Flavor

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