Saturday, July 28, 2018

Figure Photography

Figures, in particular Pokémon figures, are not just meant to be displayed like an exhibit. They can also be photographed by those wielding cameras and photography skills to result in stunning views of the figures. I should note that during last Sunday's figure meeting, this was an activity that was done on the side by some of those who gathered. This leads me to discuss the activity to acknowledge it and point out its merits.

Admittedly, the approaches that are utilized in figure photography are as varied as the figures themselves. Some might try to photograph a single figure from different angles and with different backgrounds. Others might try to take pictures of figures in different orientations and arrangements. Still others might try to intricately arrange and set a number of figures so that they look to scale from one specific angle, photographing that in the process. These are all certainly doable with Pokémon figures as well.

Since I have to show the figures that I get or have for the purpose of this blog, I automatically have to be involved with this activity whenever possible. And in fact, I've done it for a few of the most recent figures I've gotten. I've taken a picture of the Mimikyu figure I got from Sunday's giveaway, and I've also done it for a couple of Pikachu figures I got some months ago. The process and results were simple, but this may also be because the intent is just to focus on the figures, nothing more and nothing less. They suffice in that regard.

That doesn't mean I don't have prospects for what I might be able to do with this in the future. I will certainly take pictures of my figures when I get them and need to show them on this blog, barring anything that makes this prohibitive. A friend had stated that he might be interested in a Pokémon photo project which may be made to involve Pokémon figures, and I'm interested to take part in this as well. And of course, if the figure collectors gather again and I'm able to make it, I'll have to see if I can get in some quality photo time. These are all prospects I look forward to.

Pokémon figure photography is certainly a fun activity, and it's also one that is practically inseparable for any collector of Pokémon figures. I'm certainly happy to participate in it, however the results might turn out. As I collect more and more Pokémon figures, I will be apt to take part in it further. I'm certainly anticipating the future figures that I'll get, as well as whatever approach I'll use to take wonderful pictures of them for this blog and beyond.

One year ago: Modern Games, Retro Flavor

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