Friday, July 10, 2020

New PvP Challenge: Premier Cup

Since the Go Battle League had started up again after a "goof" that almost wrecked the entire system, Trainers can now challenge others again to see who really has the chops for Pokémon battling in this manner. The GBL had in fact transitioned to its Master League period, which allows one to battle with Pokémon of any high CP. Along with the transition, however, Trainers might have noticed something else: an alternate league selection besides the Master League - only it's not a league, it's more of a different format. It's called the Premier Cup, and it's the point of discussion for this post.

Like the Master League, the Premier Cup allows Pokémon with any high CP. There is one crucial difference, however: Legendary and Mythical Pokémon are not allowed to be used. It's a restriction that might be familiar to many, if they have dealt with certain themes of the Silph League Arena, including the theme for this very month that also serves as the final one for their current battling season, or perhaps even remotely for those familiar with some VGC formats of the main series games that sometimes utilize this restriction. In any case, the restriction becomes novel for this purpose.

Those who battle with or under this cup will undoubtedly have to muster different kinds of Pokémon resources, as the usual reliable stronghold Legendary Pokémon are absent. This in effect may also necessitate further preparations, something they may or may not be ready for. As well, because of this cup, there may or may not be variation among the possible Pokémon that are used, including their types. This has been somewhat evident as I've tried my hand at battling with or under this cup. I can muster up three Pokémon of a good variety of types, and though they may be slightly underpowered, they seem to be able to do what they can do... until I meet others that use almost exactly the same species I use. Preparation is obviously important no matter what the case may be, especially to gain an upper hand, even if slightly.

This Premier Cup is definitely a new challenge, for which the means are already built-in within the PvP system of the Go Battle League in Pokémon Go. While Trainers won't have to deal with the technical aspects (as in battle setup) too deeply, preparation and skill are still a must, as is the norm for the standard leagues of the GBL and even the SLA themes or cups. At the least, this is also a demonstration that GBL can possibly have further restricted formats akin to the SLA themes, and that is the natural direction to go toward. For now, there is this basic format, and Trainers can stand to do just as much with it as with the open fashion of the normal leagues.

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