Wednesday, July 15, 2020

More on Remote Raids

I've already mentioned the recently added feature of Remote Raids in a different post, something that effectively becomes a countermeasure for these rough times in Pokémon Go. There is actually a lot of complexity to this feature, some that I couldn't explain in a brief paragraph in that post. Therefore, I wanted to explain all that complexity in a separate post, and I figure that this is the best time as any. Admittedly, it has been quite a long time since its introduction, and it has to be done regardless. 

As previously noted, one needs a Remote Raid Pass in order to raid remotely. This is necessary when one is beyond the interaction distance for a Gym, supplanting the free or Premium pass; the indication for its usage is that the "Battle" button is pink with a blurb about the remote pass, and the pass entry screen turns pink with the remote pass in blue. Remote Raid Passes must be purchased from the shop - if one was lucky, through a past 1 coin bundle - and one cannot have more than three of them at any time, which means they may need to be used before buying more, whether individually or in a bundle of three.

Once someone enters the raid lobby and subsequently the battle, everything proceeds as normal. However, early on, an issue was discovered in that if someone raiding remotely has battle issues that force an exit, it becomes impossible to rejoin except by starting the raid over; it seems one has to be absolutely certain that there will be no problems before using a remote pass, though one may be able to ask for compensation if this occurs. Meanwhile, one may also use a free or Premium pass remotely and conversely use a remote pass on the spot under certain circumstances, but these are far and few between, more so since starting today raid passes of any kind are used up prior to the battle instead of prior to entering the lobby - a change that should result in a few less wasted passes.

Another reason why this post took a long time to appear is that remote raids were initially advertised to allow friends to be invited to a raid, and I wanted to wait until this was live so I can discuss this additionally. However, after much development, this still isn't the case, even after it had been slated to appear at the end of last month. This feature may still take some waiting. For now, one may take advantage of the fact that it may be possible to remotely raid a Gym with a raiding Trainer's Pokémon left in it, which becomes the way to access some faraway Gyms to raid. Of course, this is limited to up to six Trainers from the same team... since that is what a Gym can hold. 

As a matter of fact, there are other limits, at least slated ones. Trainers who raid remotely will later on have reduced attack power; at the moment, they have the same attack power as those on the spot. The number of Trainers who raid remotely is also limited; they can join for as long as there is room in the lobby or up to 10 - I actually today raided remotely as part of Raid Hour with seven others. This move is of course to keep things fair, as remote raids were not intended in the first place, but it has been stated that they will stay regardless as a facility for certain Trainers.

Beyond all their complexity, Remote Raids do offer something great for Trainers who are limited in mobility yet still desire to partake in raids as usual. There are some issues that are apparent and limitations that will one day be in place, but the core essence is still to allow participation in raids in some way, which remain as crucial in these days as they were before. Raids still may or may not be easy, but with Remote Raids they are surely a little easier and still just as workable.

One year ago: The Switch Lite
Two years ago: Mew @ Everywhere

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