Friday, July 3, 2020

More Pokémon Go "Goofs"

Pokémon Go is undoubtedly a great Pokémon game outside of the main series games, with the things that are already present and the things planned to be present. However, its share of slip-ups is also great, whether through game bugs or the way things are introduced. I've occasionally written about these issues and now feel the need to write about them again with a few more that have occurred recently and caused grave problems or at the least some serious furor. They are rightfully called as "goofs" that further involve the game.

Some weeks ago, the Go Battle League was shut down for a good period of time. The reason was because someone, and quite possibly many others, rose through the rankings through a certain bug, which could also be called an "exploit". Said exploit involved the Pokémon Melmetal, which is a popular and versatile choice for PvP battling despite its steep requirements, being that it is a Mythical Pokémon. With the exploit, a Trainer can activate multiple Charged Moves within an unreasonable time, which definitely gives an unfair advantage. By now, the exploit has been fixed and the GBL has restarted, but the schedule has been shifted and all rankings have been wiped. Needless to say, this bug and resulting "goof" has had profound effects all around.

The introduction of new Galarian Forms have been much welcomed, including for that of the Zigzagoon family plus Obstagoon. However, Galarian Linoone had caused quite a bit of an uproar. Shortly after its introduction, someone found that Galarian Zigzagoon evolved into Linoone during the June 16 Spotlight Hour had the moves of regular (Hoenn) Linoone, which made it rather advantageous, if it weren't a bug... but it is, and it's not supposed to be. This was promptly fixed by changing the moves of affected Galarian Linoone and awarding Stardust for compensation if said Pokémon has had a second Charged Move unlocked. By then, however, some overzealous Trainers had been pursuing this mistake, and the costs of doing so were not little; as a result, they suffered even more. This could be considered an even more profound "goof".

In last month's event rollup, I also noted that for the Bug Out event, Pinsir was supposed to have a special involvement in the form of a Raid Day for it. But alas, this was not meant to be; the mini-event was cancelled a mere few days before it happened. It is a total blow to those who might have been looking forward to it, in contrast to others who showed disinterest. This is actually not the first time a Raid Day was cancelled; last year, for the Halloween event in October, a Raid Day was slated for Alolan Marowak but was also cancelled - the only difference being that it was promptly cancelled after its announcement, and that's why I didn't even bother mentioning it. Unlike the "goofs" above, this doesn't concern an in-game bug, but perhaps poor planning for the most part. Because of the interference that this may cause or have caused to some extent, this is still rightfully a "goof".

These "goofs" might give the impression that some things about Pokémon Go continue to be a nuisance in some ways, especially if improperly handled. However, as a whole, the game is beyond a "goof" and has been handled well for the most part. Though it still won't be a surprise if new "goofs" come about, they might still be overlooked at times and things can proceed well enough. The hope is that this occurs more often so that I and others don't have to point out these "goofs" with increasing frequency as well.

One year ago: I Splurged, for Once
Three years ago: Spicy Tamato

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