Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Getting Crafty for Go Fest

This year's "Pokémon Go Fest for everyone" is just a few days away, and it helps to get into a celebratory mood before that happens. Now, for those who have been to an actual live Pokémon Go Fest, one will notice that the Pokémon and celebration mood is evident, particularly because there are decorations everywhere. Since this Go Fest is not being held in any particular place - it's held wherever one is, even at home, which should be ideal in current times - there is no one to furnish those decorations... or rather, there is, and that would be everyone and anyone, with a little help from Niantic.

On the official web site for this year's event, there is a section where one can download a few things that one can then print out in order to enliven one's Go Fest, wherever one is. Since they're to be printed out, they're available in the dominant paper sizes wherever one lives, whether it's the U.S. Letter or the international A4 size. Some of those things look tailored for this year's Go Fest, but there's no reason one can't use a few that don't or just have minor details in or during the time of future editions of Go Fest. I suggest downloading everything and archiving them just in case one is interested - I know I may be.

The nine things available can be grouped into three types: decorative activities, papercraft creations, and paper figures. The first group includes a set of pennant flags like those found at certain parties, plus ones to color in and a maze to keep certain people busy. The second group has a few Pokémon objects that might be of interest to any Pokémon fan. The third group consists of life-size figures of Professor Willow and the three team leaders of Spark, Blanche, and Candela, all of whom may be enlisted to make things less lonely. The latter two groups will require assembly, but as a whole, they should all be lots of fun.

Of these, I'm highly interested in the Pikachu visor and Gift papercraft from the second group. The Pikachu visor resembles a relic that some of my Pokémon Go fellows have obtained when they went to an actual Go Fest, perhaps in spades, and with this, I can have one of my own, though it perhaps wouldn't hurt if they could spare me one of their originals. The Gift object needs no explanation: it's a real version of the Gift in-game item, and it's totally unique; I've had my eye on this since it was first shown off by Niantic earlier. These are the ones I'd really like to print out and make for this event.

Pokémon Go Fest is after all a celebration and a party, so there would have to be things to assist with that. Niantic seems to have grasped this early on and as a result has graciously provided I and other Trainers with the exact facilities for just that, as the party printouts above. With some time and effort, anyone and everyone can turn just about any place into a part of Go Fest. That should be appropriate considering that this Go Fest is essentially for anyone and everyone. It's still a few days before then, and it shouldn't be too late to up the celebratory ante with at least a few of these printouts for all the fun to come.

Three years ago: Cosplay in a Bag

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