Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Dream of Pokémon Life

Typically, when I have a wildly interesting dream, particularly one that concerns or contains Pokémon, I would try to get it out within a day or so, due to its fleeting nature, true of any dream in general. However, I recently had another Pokémon dream, hot on the heels of the dream I detailed two and a half weeks ago. Because of that, I decided to delay the write-up about it on this blog, lest I would be considered making things up even though I don't. The dream I just had is still fascinating, in that it concerned how my life might work with Pokémon. 

In that dream I just had, I was carrying my Pokémon costumes, as if I had gotten them back from a laundry. Somewhere along the way, I then encountered a giant Eevee doll that was also strangely interactive for me and a few other people. After the encounter, I proceeded to go to one of my local acquaintances as a guest to not only dine but also to stay over for a bit of time. I was not the only one, however, as a couple of other friends of us also came to do the same, and the opportunity afforded all of us a chance to meet. Within that time, we also used the opportunity to trade a few Pokémon (certainly with the convenience of Pokémon Go), as well as to interact within the game and to show off a few things. Evidently, the entire dream quite integrated Pokémon in very different parts of my life.

Not only that, the dream also showed how Pokémon could really apply within my life. I cosplay with it, and others can use it in different ways to entertain still others, and that has links to the first two things that appeared in the dream. The fact that I met a few other people in my dream with the intent to get together and do a few Pokémon things together means that it can and has reached many others, possibly in the same way that it did for me. As well, that Pokémon meeting also showed how different things can transpire; within that dream, things transpired for Pokémon Go - also being much of my reality today - but in a different reality, that could very well involve the main series games to much the same extents, which at this point I would appreciate.

Dreams remain something with a fleeting nature, and if I wish to preserve them, I have to record them as quickly with as much detail as possible, especially if they happen to be interesting enough as this Pokémon dream is. The way that it seems to affirm that Pokémon can work within my life and others' is a neat thing - perhaps even, already evident with our realities. I would dare say that I'm hardly making things up, even if they are envisioned in the unreal realm of dreams.

Three years ago: Pursuing Shiny?

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