Monday, July 13, 2020

Giving the Gift of Pokémon GIFs

These days, many different social media and/or chat services have the capability to furnish stickers of different kinds in different places. These represent often-reusable images with certain kinds of feelings and may allow for sound or animation, and it's quite possible that Pokémon may be involved with these. Alongside this feature, the same services may also allow for animated images of a different kind, which would be animated GIFs. Likewise, these may also involve Pokémon and serve similar functions.

Some social media services may be able to directly link up with providers of animated GIFs, in which case one only needs to search for them (certainly by the keyword of "Pokémon") through that linkage. If not, then it takes searching the same GIF providers outside the services, regardless if the GIFs are to be used beyond social media. Whatever the provider, the GIFs there are likely to be independent conceptions of official content, though so are GIFs of most other things, and that is a fact that will likely remain. Still, it doesn't detract from their purpose. 

Due to file limitations, some GIFs may have off colors or choppy animations, though this is arguably a part of their character. Yet for Pokémon, this could be slightly off-putting due to the possibility of colors that Pokémon images may involve. Simpler Pokémon images might make for better-looking GIFs. At the same time, GIFs aren't restricted to certain dimensions, so they might accommodate some full anime scenes, though they might still be clipped to emphasize certain details. Simplicity seems to remain key no matter what, particularly for Pokémon GIFs.

This one of Pikachu and Eevee looks pretty good. It's simple and the colors look OK even if a bit pale. There is a slight bit of choppiness at the end, but it's negligible. I'm still rather pleased with it. I found this one here.

(A note: some GIFs might not actually be GIFs, especially from certain social media services - they might actually be movie files of MP4 extension; the above GIF can actually be in such a form. They still have to play nicely with the respective format limits regardless.)

Communication in current times are as much visual as verbal, and animated GIFs, like stickers, can help with that. Pokémon fans like me ought to be glad that they can get in on the action with what they love, and convey different messages with them. They might have a different look and feel than plain images and stickers, but especially with great ones, the essence is still the same. In a way, they are indeed "GIFs bearing gifts".

Two years ago: Losing and Finding Links

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