Thursday, July 23, 2020

The State of Nominations, Part 5

It's been a couple of months, so now it's time to update on how my PokéStop nominations have progressed within that time. Incidentally, it's been a year and close to a week since I first started reporting on these, and I wanted to report on this then, but I wanted to wait a bit for responses to some of my more recent nominations... and that hasn't happened, except for one which came as I wrote this. Regardless, it's worth it to update on what has happened over the past couple of months, since there is still a lot of that.

After those couple of months, my total nominations (at least, of distinct ones) has increased by 9 for a total of 74. I've had 5 more approvals for a total of 34, 4 more rejections for a total of 27, and the number of superseded nominations increased by 1 to 8. Currently, 5 of those nominations are still in limbo, and only one of them is a nomination still "hanging" from last year, while the others had been made within a couple of weeks from today; the rest have been resolved in some way as above. While admittedly there has been a bit of a slowdown in the process recently, at least the process seems to continue to proceed well even today, which should be a good thing for continued nominations.

The story of renominations has overall remained the same, with one exception: two recent ones have failed to gain acceptance, and as a result they are the first nominations to be "doubly rejected". I'm having serious reconsiderations on renominating these, though because I'm informed that some nominations have needed six or more rejections before finally becoming approved, I may have considerations for them again, but at a much later time. Meanwhile, for many of my nominations that have been superseded, they have been merged into the nomination by someone else that got accepted, though strangely one was actually accepted, perhaps because it was considered distinct. More considerations of renominations will surely follow in order to cut a few more from the "rejected" list. I've also had a rejected nomination object removed, which means I can no longer nominate it regardless.

My current nomination prospects are places that are out of the way or may have been skipped over by others yet still deserve to have PokéStops of their own. A key part of this is the visibility of the nomination, which by my experience is more likely to help in getting them approved. Some can get approved through unusual cases of visibility, but those are far and few between. At the moment, the focus is on immediately visible places that can work out based on previously accepted nominations or existing PokéStops. I also tend to try to fill gaps across existing PokéStops and in specific areas, which if possible should create areas filled with PokéStops and hopefully Gyms as well, something I'd like to see happen in some places.

In the next couple of months, some things will surely happen. Of course, with the apparent slowing down of things, I may or may not decide to make an update after that time. Yet since this is an ongoing process even after one year, it remains somewhat necessary to make the updates, especially as nominations continue. There's a lot of responses to be waited on: the responses of the reviewers who make things (not) happen, the responses of Trainers for new places to play, and my response to things as they unfold.

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