Monday, July 24, 2017

Pokémon School

One thing that may have not been exposed or discussed much regarding Pokémon is schooling and education in the world of Pokémon. However, if the anime and the games are any indication, schooling does exist in the Pokémon world in some form or another. Schooling is somewhat of an obvious thing in this world, because as I've mentioned in one of my older posts on how everyone can fit in in the Pokémon world, not everyone can be one role or another - there have to be people in different roles. Evidently schooling and education play into developing this.

Any school has to have students, and the ones in the Pokémon world would be no different. There would be primary schools for children, secondary schools for adolescents, and academies for older people or special education. This is already evident in the anime and the games; the episode I reviewed way back in March shows a primary-like school, and there have been signs of secondary schools in past Pokémon episodes. And then there's the game of Pokémon Art Academy, which is plainly obvious. These are in addition to other schools that would be not unlike those in the real world that take in similar students.

If the schools and students are alike in the real world and the Pokémon world, then what is taught in the schools would not be too different as well. Primary and secondary schools would teach the basics and fundamentals, and academies would teach the rest of what is needed to know. Those working in Pokémon Centers and in the police force would benefit from such specialized knowledge. In any case, the progression would be the same; the only thing that's different would be the inclusion of Pokémon-related subjects, which is not hard to believe that it could happen.

In a world full of fantastic creatures, it's still a given that some people can't, don't, and/or won't pursue the ways of the people that directly and actively deal with them. So all those people have got to have some place to go, and school is the natural place for them. The "bones" are already in place from what can be abstracted from the games and anime as a whole, and it's not hard to believe the rest. With this in mind, it follows that schooling and education does not become a limiter in this world; instead, it makes the world that much richer.

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