Sunday, October 7, 2018

Cosplay: SJF - Tomodachi 3


Hi guys. I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. You see, my friend wanted to send me to this theme event, or it could also be called a convention. It's something that he's always done every single year. But then suddenly he got into a pinch, and that made him almost unable to send me here. I told him that he didn't have to send me here if he couldn't, but he insisted, so that's the position that I ended up in.

So I ended up coming. My friend really wanted to send me here because he had heard that many of his friends also sent in their characters, and he was right. I met a few of the ones that I often meet when my friend's friends send theirs in. But because of my friend's problem, I ended up coming late, and by the time I was ready, we had lost a lot of time.

The event or convention itself had the things that you usually find: communities, merchandise, and food. Oh yeah, there were also three guest stars who the people know well. One of them I think even knows me, because we met at a different one earlier - but I didn't meet the guest star this time. If you think about it, maybe we wouldn't have missed much. But then, maybe it wouldn't be me and my friend missing the stuff - it would be other people missing me and my friend. That's a big thing, I think.

Something this big has to have competitions, but my friend was so busy, he didn't set me up for one, and the two we think we can do well, the singing and character parade, was on the previous day. The previous day - oh yeah, I didn't say this one was a two-day thing, didn't I? Well, it is, so that's what happened. So with my Unova outfit, I came today just to make it fun.

Pikachu: Pikachu. [happy]

I know today was a bit sticky, but I had some fun too, and so did my friend. I have to come back again, but maybe as long as my friend isn't in a pinch and I won't be in a sticky situation like today. And we'll have to think up of something really special to do too! That should be the key for enjoying this one the next time around.


One year ago: Iron Trainers?

1 comment:

  1. Man, that's the first time i saw you being so "passive" in an event. It's kind of sad to see "the legend" just resting in a corner somewhere. I hope you feel better for next week's event.


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